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Cinnamomum cassia Nees - sy.Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees; Laurus cassia L. - Lauraceae
肉桂 ròu gùi (chin.), cassia, Chinese cinnamon, Zimtkassie, Chinesischer Zimt

Evergreen handsome tree with aromatic bark, up to 17m high; native to South China, Birma; widely cultivated in tropical or subtropical areas; bark gray-brown, up to 13 mm thick when mature; leaves oblong to nearly lanceolate, caudate- or long-acuminate, leathery; flowers small, white, in axillary or terminal silky-tomentose panicles; perianth-lobes persistent in fruit; fruit ellipsoid, ca. 10 × 7-8(-9) mm, black-purple when mature, glabrous.
„The dried bark is the source of the important spice cassia. The immature fruits are a source of cassia buds. An essential oil, called oil of cassia or oil of cinnamon, is obtained by steam distillation of the leaves and twigs; it is used as a flavoring agent. The plant is used medicinally as a carminative. It contains cinnamic aldehyde.“

„Chinese cassia is a close relative to Ceylon cinnamon (C. verum), Saigon cinnamon (C. loureiroi, also known as „Vietnamese cinnamon“), and Indonesian cinnamon (C. burmannii). In all four species, the dried bark is used as a spice. Chinese cassia's flavour is less delicate than that of Ceylon cinnamon, so is less expensive and is sometimes called bastard cinnamon. “

„GC-MS analysis on the essential oil of Cinnamomum cassia stem bark led to the identification of cinnamaldehyde, 2-hydroxycinnamaldehyde, coumarin, and cinnamyl acetate. The major volatile flavor in C.Cassia oil was found to be 2-hydroxycinnamaldehyde.“
[Constituents of the essential oil of theCinnamomum cassia stem bark and the Biological Properties. Choi, J., Lee, K. T., Ka, H., Jung, W. T., Jung, H. J., Park, H. J., Archives of pharmacal research, Vol.24(5), 2001, 418-423]

The essential oil from the bark of C.cassia has excellent antimicrobial effects against Clostridium perfringens, Bacteroïdes fragilis, and Bifidobacterium bifidus. [Growth-inhibiting effects of Cinnamomum cassia barks-derived materials on human intestinal bacteria. Lee H.S., Ahn Y.J., J Agri Food Chem Vol.46, 1998, 8-12]

„In the presence of 1000 μg ml−1 of the substance, most of the cells were killed after 2 h of incubation suggesting that the antimicrobial activity of cinnamic aldehyde is bacteriocidal in E. coli.“
[Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157: H7 by cinnamic aldehyde purified from Cinnamomum cassia shoot. Kim, H. O., Park, S. W., Park, H. D., Food Microbiology, Vol.21(1), 2004, 105-110]

„Using standard disk diffusion method the antibacterial activity of aqueous infusion, decoction and essential oil of C. cassia (Cinnamon bark) were investigated against 178 bacterial strains belonging to 12 different genera of bacterial population isolated from oral cavity of 250 specimens of apparently healthy individuals aged between 2-85 years. Overall, the oil of Cinnamomum cassia inhibited all type of tested bacterial strains except Salmonella para typhi B exhibiting 99.4% antibacterial effect as compared to aqueous decoction (70.2%) and aqueousinfusion (52.2%)“
[Anti-microbial activity of Cinnamomum cassia against diverse microbial flora with its nutritional and medicinal impacts. Chaudhry, N. M. A., Tariq, P., Pakistan Journal of Botany, Vol.38(1), 2006, 169]


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