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Cephalanthus occidentalis L. - Rubiaceae - common buttonbush, button-willow, honey-bells, (Amerikanischer) Knopfbusch

Deciduous shrub or small tree, up to 3m tall, nativer to eastern North America, cultivated as ornamental; leaves opposite or whorls of three, elliptic to ovate, short petioled; flowers up to 80 in dense spherical inflorescences, corolla a white to pale yellow tube.

„Buttonbush is cultivated as an ornamental plant for a nectar source or 'honey plant' and for aesthetics in gardens and native plant landscapes, and is planted on slopes to help control erosion. Buttonbush is a suitable shrub for butterfly gardens.“

The main volatile compounds from C.occidentalis flower scent, collected by the dynamic headspace method, were (E)-β-ocimene (32.2%), lilac aldehyde A (12.3%), linalool (10.4%), lilac alcohol A (7.0%), linalool oxide I (furanoid, 4.6%), linalool oxide II (furanoid, 2.5%), lilac aldehyde C (1.8%), lilac aldehyde D (0.5%), lilac aldehyde B (0.2%), lilac alcohol D (1.3%), lilac alcohol C (0.7%), lilac alcohol B (0.4%) and linalool oxides I and II (pyranoid, each 0.4%).
[Floral scents in butterfly‐pollinated plants: possible convergence in chemical composition., Andersson, S., Nilsson, L.A., Groth, I., Bergström, G., Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 140(2), 2002, 129-153]

Addisonia, vol.5 t.169 (1920) [M.E.Eaton]

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