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Cedrela odorata L. - Meliaceae
Spanish cedar, Mexican cedar, Westindische Zedrele, Spanische Zeder, Cedro (span.)

Evergreen tree, native to the Caribbean, Central and South America; bark grey–brown; leaves pinnate, leaflets oblong to laceolate, both surfaces glabrous; flowers small with white petals.

„Freshly cut heartwood is pinkish to reddish brown, but upon exposure it becomes red or dark reddish brown, sometimes with a purplish tinge. It is reported to be darkest when grown in the drier regions. The sapwood is whitish, gray, or pinkish…
A gum-like substance containing a volatile aromatic oil exudes from Spanish cedar. The oil often stains the paper lining in cigar boxes made of this wood, and when it evaporates it leaves a sticky residue that causes boards to adhere.“
[Kryn, J. M. (1957). Spanish cedar.]

„Cedrela odorata is the most commercially important and most widely distributed species in the genus Cedrela. Known as Spanish cedar in English commerce, the aromatic wood is in high demand in the American tropics because it is naturally termite- and rot-resistant…
Cedro heartwood contains an aromatic and insect-repelling resin that is the source of its popular name, Spanish cedar (it resembles the aroma of true cedars).“
[Cedrela odorata L. Cedro hembra, Spanish cedar. Cintron, Barbara B., Silvics of North America 2(654) 1990, 250]

cedrela_odorata_l.1410965235.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/09/17 16:47 von andreas