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Castanea sativa Mill. - syn. Castanea vesca Gaertn.; Castanea vulgaris Lam. - Fagaceae
European chestnut, sweet chestnut, Eßkastanie, Marone

„The volatile flavor compounds of roasted Italian chestnuts, which have not been studied prior to this report, were determined by capillary gas-chromatography with a mass selective detector. Samples were obtained by SPME directly from the headspace of freshly roasted and ground chestnuts as well as by previous extraction with dichloromethane. Monoterpenes and derivatives of butane, pentane, hexane, and heptane were identified as important aroma impact compounds. γ-Butyrolactone (12.8%), γ-terpinene (9.2%), furfural (6.3%), benzaldehyde (7.2%) and 4-methyl-2-pentanone (5.3%) were found in concentrations higher than 5.0% (calculated as % peak area of GC-MS analysis using a nonpolar column).“
[Volatile compound analysis of SPME headspace and extract samples from roasted Italian chestnuts (Castanea sativa Mill.) using GC-MS., Krist, S., Unterweger, H., Bandion, F., Buchbauer, G., European Food Research and Technology, Vol.219(5), 2004, 470-473]

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