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Calocedrus decurrens (Torr.) Florin - syn.Libocedrus decurrens Torr. - Cupressaceae
(California) incense cedar, (Kalifornische) Weihrauchzeder

Evergreen tree, up to 50m tall, native to North America (Oregon, Nevada, California, Baja California); bark cinnamon brown, fibrous, furrowed and ridged; leaves up to 14mm long; pollen cones red-brown to light brown; seed cones oblong-ovate when closed, red-brown to golden brown, proximal scales often reflexed at cone maturity.
„Incense-cedar is an important commercial softwood species. Its wood, exceptionally resistant to decay and highly durable when exposed to weather, is manufactured into many products, including lumber, pencil stock (for which it is the major United States source), fence posts, shakes, and landscape timbers, which are attractive because of punky spots resulting from fungus. The tree is widely grown as a handsome ornamental.“

„The foliage, when crushed, gives off an aroma somewhat akin to shoe-polish.“

„Incense-cedar also is used extensively for exterior siding because it is dimensionally stable and holds paint well, in addition to being durable. Rich color, sound knots, and aromatic fragrance make the wood popular for interior paneling and woodwork.“ [U.S. Forest Service Silvics Manual]

Main components of the volatile oil of the leaves were δ-3-carene (15.2–20.2%), limonene (18.2–23.6%), α-pinene (8.7–15.8%), terpinolene (5.7–8.0%) and α-fenchyl acetate (3.5–9.7%) with some cedrol (0.8-1.2%).
[The leaf essential oils of the genus Calocedrus., Adams, R.P., Nguyen, S., Hsieh, C.F., Kaiyun, G., Journal of Essential Oil Research, 18(6), 2006, 654-658]

„Steam distillation of the heartwood gave an oil in 0.62% yield composed almost entirely of p-cymene and p-menthane derivatives (88.7%)… Thymoquinone and carvacrol account for 65.1% of the oil, p-methoxythymol 11% and p-methoxycarvacrol 3.2%. These four compounds alone dominate the GC … The tropolone b-thujaplicin (hinokitiol) was only present in trace amounts. The high concentrations of thymoquinone and carvacrol alone can account for the previously observed high bioactivity of this oil. Carvacrol is well known for its antimicrobial, antioxidant, insecticidal, and repellent activities.“
[Composition of the heartwood essential oil of incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens Torr.)., Veluthoor, S., Kelsey, R.G., González-Hernández, M.P., Panella, N., Dolan, M., Karchesy, J., Holzforschung, 65(3), 2011, 333-336]

calocedrus_decurrens_torr._florin.1441797219.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/09/09 13:13 von andreas