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Brugmansia aurea Lagerh. - syn.Methysticodendron amesianum R. E. Schult.; Brugmansia pittieri (Saff.) Moldenke; Datura aurea Lagerh. - Solanaceae
golden angel's-trumpet, Goldene Engelstrompete

Shrub, native to South America (extinct in the wild), cultivated as ornamental.

„One of the parents (with B. versicolor Lagerh.) of the widespread anthropogenic hybrid B. x candida Pers. Often found in close proximity to B. x candida with which it intergrades, B. aurea is difficult to circumscribe rigorously. Ostensibly non-hybrid examples of B. aurea exhibit much variation. The extent to which truly non-hybrid examples of this species exist has not been ascertained. See further discussion in Hay et al. (2012: 103-110).
Brugmansia species as a whole have sometimes been viewed as cultigens (e.g. Bristol 1966). This view was not accepted by Hay et al. (2012: 15) who view them as species long conserved through cultivation by indigenous people. There is no evidence for any of the species having come into being under human husbandry from wild progenitors, since no candidates for wild progenitors exist.“

Various Brugmansia species are used by shamans (curanderos) of Northern Peruvian Andes for both curative and psychotropic activities.
[The ritual use of Brugmansia species in traditional Andean medicine in northern Peru. De Feo, V., Economic botany, Vol.58(1), 2004, 221-229]

The leaves and stems of South American material of Methysticodendron contained scopolamine up to 80% of the total alkaloid content.
[Note on the alkaloids of Methysticodendron amesianum. Pachter, I. J., Hopkinson, A. F., Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, 49(9), 1960, 621-622]

brugmansia_aurea_lagerh.1415553922.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/11/09 18:25 von andreas