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Berberis aquifolium Pursh - syn.Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt. - Berberidaceae
Oregon grape, (Gewöhnliche) Mahonie

Ornamental evergreen shrub, up to 1.50m high; native to western North America, naturalized in Europe, cultivated elsewhere as ornamental; leaves leathery, pinnate (5-13 thorny leaflets), turning red in winter; inflorescences racemose, dense, 30-60-flowered; flowers yellow; berries globose, 1cm in diam., blue-black, glaucous.
„Medicinally, various root preparations of Berberis aquifolium were used by Native Americans for stomach trouble, hemorrhages, and tuberculosis; as a panacea, a tonic, a gargle, and an eye wash; and to purify blood. Leaves and roots were used in steam baths to treat yellow fever; karok was used as a poison; and the tips of stems were used to treat stomach aches (D. E. Moermann 1986).“

„The small purplish-black fruits, which are quite tart and contain large seeds, are included in smaller quantities in the traditional diets of Pacific Northwest aboriginal peoples, mixed with Salal(Gaultheria shallon) or another sweeter fruit. Today they are sometimes used to make jelly, alone or mixed with salal.“

„The energy, reducing sugar, protein, cellulose, oil, ash, acidity, total phenolics, total anthocyanin and soluble solid matter values of Mahonia aquifolium fruits were determined to be 47.85 kcal/100g, 47.6 g/kg, 30.8 g/kg, 17.8 g/kg, 21.7 g/kg, 11.0 g/kg, 33.7 g/kg, 4574.6 mg/kg, 655.64 mg/kg and 176.0 g/kg, respectively.“
[Some physico-chemical properties of Mahonia acquifolium fruits., Marakoglu, T., Akbulut, M., Calisir, S., Asian J. Chem, Vol.22(2), 2010, 1606-1614]

The antioxidant capacity of methanolic crude extracts of Berberis aquifolium was tested and the study has shown that fruits of B.aquifolium is attractive for consumption.
[A Comprehensive Study on Antioxidant Properties of Crude Extracts from Fruits of Berberis vulgaris L., Cornus mas L. and Mahonia aquifolium Nutt., Pyrkosz-Biardzka, K., Kucharska, A.Z., Sokół-Łętowska, A., Strugała, P., Gabrielska, J., Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol.64(2), 2014, 91-99]

Pursh, F., Flora Americae septentrionalis, vol.1, t.4 (1814)

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