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Lamiaceae - syn. B.alba L., B.foetida Lam., B.ballota Lutz., Marrubium nigrum Crantz.; black hemp-nettle, black horehound, stinking horehound, Schwarznessel, Anderbrume, Gottvergess, Schwarzer Andorn, Stinkandorn

Perennial herbaceous plan, 0.30-1m high, native to Europe.

Used in folk medicine as mild sedative for spasmodic cough, nervousness, and mild insomnia.

The plant contains diterpenoid alkaloids of the labdan type: Ballotinone (7-oxomarrubiin), ballotenol, and 7α-Acetoxymarrubiin.
[The structure of ballotenol, a new diterpenoid from Ballota nigra. Giuseppe Savona, Franco Piozzi, James R. Hanson and Michael Siverns, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1977, 497-499]
[Structures of three new diterpenoids from Ballota species. Giuseppe Savona, Franco Piozzi, James R. Hanson and Michael Siverns, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1977, 322-324]

ballota_nigra_l.1404824604.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/07/08 15:03 von andreas