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Averrhoa carambola L. - syn. Averrhoa pentandra Blanco - Oxalidaceae - carambola, star fruit, Karambole, Sternfrucht

Small evergreen tropical tree or shrub, 3-5 (-10)m high, possible origin Java, cultivated for fruit; leaves alternate, pinnate, 15-25cm long, shortly petiolate, leaflets 7-9, sensitive to touch like certain Mimosa species; inflorescences panicles 2-5cm long, in the axils of old leaves; flower with a calyx of 5 pink sepals surrounding the purple corolla; fruit a large berry, 5-8cm long, characteristic star shape in cross-section, yellowish-green, orange-yellow when ripe; each fruit cell with 5 seeds.

„Heterostyly and self-incompatibility occur in A. carambola. Pollen grains are elongated or spherical; a suitable pollen viability test would be in vitro pollen germination. A. carambola is insect pollinated, the pollinators being honeybees and Diptera species. Flowering continues throughout the year and fruit is available most of the year. Seedling varieties should crop in 3-8 years, selected grafted varieties in only 1-2 years.“

„Averrhoa carambola has a number of different forms differing in fruit taste, texture, and shape, some are very acidic and others are sweet.“

„Earlier, it has been considered to be a sour-tasting fruit with a relatively high oxalic acid content and consequently of little commercial value for consumption as fresh fruit. New, sweet-flavoured cultivars with a low oxalic acid content are rapidly defying the old notion. The unique (five cornered) star like shape and sweet taste have a strong appeal and liked by many.“
[Ray, P.K. (2002), Breeding tropical and subtropical fruits, New Delhi: Narosa Pub. Pub. House, 307-309]

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