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arctium_lappa_l [2014/06/20 15:48]
arctium_lappa_l [2017/11/25 17:29] (aktuell)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 Asteraceae - syn. Lappa major Gaertn.; great burdock, burdock, lappa, **Große Klette** Asteraceae - syn. Lappa major Gaertn.; great burdock, burdock, lappa, **Große Klette**
-Stout, much-branched biennial, up to 2.50m high; native to Europe, northern Asia; lower leaves broadly cordate-ovate and obtuse, the blade sometimes 50 cm or more long, canescent or floccose-tomentose beneath; heads usually exceeding 2.5 cm in diameter, aggregate into flat-topped or corymb-like clusters; bracts of involucre flat, straight and spreading, all equalling the flowers; involucre not tomentose, mostly 2.5-4 cm thick.+Stout, much-branched biennial, up to 2.50m high; native to Central Europe and Scandinavia; lower leaves broadly cordate-ovate and obtuse, the blade sometimes 50 cm or more long, canescent or floccose-tomentose beneath; heads usually exceeding 2.5 cm in diameter, aggregate into flat-topped or corymb-like clusters; bracts of involucre flat, straight and spreading, all equalling the flowers; involucre not tomentose, mostly 2.5-4 cm thick.
 "Greater burdock was used during the Middle Ages as a vegetable, but now it is rarely used, with the exception of Japan where it is called gobō (牛蒡 or ゴボウ), Taiwan (牛蒡), Korea where it is called ueong (우엉), Italy, Brazil and Portugal, where it is known as bardana or "garduna". Plants are cultivated for their slender roots, which can grow about 1 meter long and 2 cm across." [[]] "Greater burdock was used during the Middle Ages as a vegetable, but now it is rarely used, with the exception of Japan where it is called gobō (牛蒡 or ゴボウ), Taiwan (牛蒡), Korea where it is called ueong (우엉), Italy, Brazil and Portugal, where it is known as bardana or "garduna". Plants are cultivated for their slender roots, which can grow about 1 meter long and 2 cm across." [[]]
Zeile 21: Zeile 21:
 Definition. Dried seeds of Arctium lappa. The seeds are gray-black, oblong, 7mm long by 3mm wide, with pungent taste. \\ Definition. Dried seeds of Arctium lappa. The seeds are gray-black, oblong, 7mm long by 3mm wide, with pungent taste. \\
 Constituents. Fatty oil (15-30%), daucosterol, matairesinol, lignoids like arctiin and his free aglucon arctigenin, the lignans lappaol A-F and neoarctin B. [CRC; Sun WJ, Sha ZF, Gao H, Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao, 27, (1992), 549-51; Wang HY, Yang JS, Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao, 28, (1993), 911-7] \\ Constituents. Fatty oil (15-30%), daucosterol, matairesinol, lignoids like arctiin and his free aglucon arctigenin, the lignans lappaol A-F and neoarctin B. [CRC; Sun WJ, Sha ZF, Gao H, Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao, 27, (1992), 549-51; Wang HY, Yang JS, Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao, 28, (1993), 911-7] \\
-Uses. Used in traditional Chinese medicine for common cold. \\+Uses. In traditional Chinese medicine for common cold. \\
 Seed tincture as stomachic tonic, for kidney diseases and skin problems like acne and psoriasis. [Keys; CRC] Seed tincture as stomachic tonic, for kidney diseases and skin problems like acne and psoriasis. [Keys; CRC]
 +{{:arctium_lappa.jpg?600}} \\
 +Arctium lappa L.; Woodville, W., Medical botany, vol.1 t.15 (1790) \\
 +{{}} \\
 +Arctium lappa \\ © Rolf Marschner (2017),  
arctium_lappa_l.1403272098.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/06/20 15:48 von andreas