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Arbutus unedo L. - Ericaceae - syn. Arbutus serratifolia Salisb., Arbutus crispa Hoffm.; strawberry tree, Westlicher Erdbeerbaum

Beautiful Mediterranean evergreen shrub or tree, 2-3(-10)m, in culture usually 5m or less; bark red-brown; leaves alternate, oblong to obovate, tapering at both ends, serrate, dark shining green; flowers urn-shaped, greenish white to pinkish, about 6-8 mm long; terminal nodding panicles about 5 cm long; berry spherical, first green then yellow, scarlet when mature, warty, 1.5-2 cm across, „strawberry-like“.

The bark, containing up to 45% tannin, is used to tan lether. [CRC]

Known as an ornamental tree in parks and gardens. The fruits are used in making preserves and jams.

The main components of the volatiles of A. unedo fruits are alcohols, followed by aldehydes and esters. The main volatile compounds identified were (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, 1-hexanol, hexanal, (E)-2-hexenal, and (Z)-3-Hexenyl acetate with their green odors. These are decreased in fully ripening state and mixed up with floral (linalool, alpha-terpineol) and sweet-waxy (methyl decanoate, mehtyl dodecanoate, ethyl dodecanoate) sensations.
[Volatile profile of Arbutus unedo L. fruits through ripening stage., Oliveira, I., de Pinho, P.G., Malheiro, R., Baptista, P., Pereira, J.A., Food Chemistry, 128(3), 2011, 667-673]

Arbutus unedo leaves, Arbute leaves, Folia Arbuti, Erdbeerbaumblätter [CRC, Hager]
Definition. Dried leaves of Arbutus unedo.
Constituents. The phenolglucosides arbutin (3%) and methylarbutin. Flavonolglucosides, derived from kaempferol like juglanin (kaempferol-3-arabinoside) and avicularin (kaempferol-3-arabinofuranoside) or derived from quercetin like hyperoside (quercetin-3-galactoside). Furthermore iridoidglucosides (unedoside as main glucoside, 0.2%) and tannin. [Hager; CRC; Rimpler H, Pistor H, Z. Naturf. C, 29, (1974), 368]
Effects. Leave extracts are antibiotic and astringent.
Uses. As urinary desinfectant and for diarrhea. [CRC, Hager]
Dosage. As decoction, 2-4g of the dried leaves per cup (150ml) of water, thrice daily. [Hager]

„The leaves of Arbutus unedo L. are used as a urinary antiseptic, against diabetes, an antidiarrheal adstringent, depurative, antioxidant and as an antihypertensive. Chemical investigations of leaves and fruits indicated the presence of the essential oil, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, iridoids glucosides, sugars non-volatile and phenolic acids and tocopherol.“
[Identification of Phenolic Compounds and Antimicrobial Activity of Roots of Arbutus unedo L., M.A. Dib N. Djabou, H. Allali and B. Tabti, Asian Journal of Chemistry Vol. 22, No. 5 (2010), 4045-4053]

„The results indicated that A. unedo leaves are a potential source of natural antioxidants.“
[Scavenging capacity of strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) leaves on free radicals. Ivo Oliveira, Valentim Coelho, Raquel Baltasar, José Alberto Pereira, Paula Baptista, Food and Chemical Toxicology 47 (2009) 1507–1511]

English Botany, or Coloured Figures of British Plants, ed.3 [B] [J.E.Sowerby et al], vol.6 t.882 (1866)

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