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Angostura trifoliata (Willd.) T. S. Elias - syn.Galipea officinalis Hancock; Cusparia trifoliata (Willd.) Engl. - Rutaceae
cuspa (span.), angostura, Angostura,

Shrub or small tree of the rainforest, up to 15m high, native to Venezuela (Orinoko), naturalized in tropical Central and South America; bark smooth, grey; leaves shiny, trifoliate, terminal leaflet up to 30cm long, smelling like tobacco; panicles of white, tubular, five-lobed flowers with unpleasant smell; fruit a five-celled capsule; seeds black, round.

angostura_trifoliata_willd._t._s._elias.1415034635.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/11/03 18:10 von andreas