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Allium fistulosum L. - Liliaceae - 葱 cong (chin.), Welsh onion, Chinese spring onion, Japanese bunching onion, bunching onion, scallion, Frühlingszwiebel, Winterzwiebel, Lauchzwiebel, Schlotten

Perennial herb, up to 1m high, ; leaves subequaling scape, covered with leaf sheaths for ca. 1/3 its length; umbel globose, many flowered, flowers white.
„Cultivated as a vegetable since ancient times [possibly native to W China, but no wild plants have been collected; widely cultivated elsewhere].“

„'Welsh' preserves the original meaning of the Old English word 'welisc', or Old German 'welsche', meaning 'foreign'… The Welsh onion is an ingredient in Asian cuisine…“

The headspace components the plant „… was extracted with solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The main volatile components of A. fistulosum were dipropyl disulphide (relative contents: 67%), 1-propenyl propyl disulphide (23%) and dipropyl trisulphide (6%).“
[Onion aphid (Neotoxoptera formosana) attractants, in the headspace of Allium fistulosum and A. tuberosum leaves., Hori, M., Journal of Applied Entomology, Vol.131(1), 2007, 8-12]

Zorn, J., Oskamp, D.L., Vervolg op de Afbeeldingen der artseny-gewassen met derzelver Nederduitsche en Latynsche beschryvingen, vol.1, t.26 (1813)

allium_fistulosum_l.1427553900.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/03/28 15:45 von andreas