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Alkanna tinctoria (L.) Tausch - syn.Alkanna matthioli Tausch; Alkanna tuberculata (Forssk.) Meikle; Lithospermum lehmanii Tineo - Boraginaceae
alkanet, dyer's alkanet, dyer's bugloss, Schminkwurz, Alkanna, Färberkraut

Perennial herb, up to 30cm high, native to South Europe, West Asia and North Africa, also cultivated there; stem and leaves hairy; leaves simple, alternate, lanceolate; flowers bright blue.

„The root produces a fine red colouring material which has been used as a dye in the Mediterranean region since antiquity. The root as a dyestuff is soluble in alcohol, ether, and the oils, but is insoluble in water… In alkali environments the alkanet dye has a blue color, with the color changing again to crimson on addition of an acid.“

„From the roots of Alkanna tinctoria Tausch, the alkannin esters of the following acids were isolated and identified: β,β-dimethylacrylic acid, β-acetoxy-isovaleric acid, isovaleric acid, and angelic acid. These esteric pigments showed excellent wound healing properties in a clinical study on 72 patients with ulcus cruris.“
[Wound healing properties of naphthaquinone pigments from Alkanna tinctoria., Papageorgiou, V. P., Experientia, 34(11), 1978, 1499-1501]

„From time immemorial the root of this herb is applied internally äs antidiarrheal agent and externally in cases of skin diseases. Due to its intensively purple-colored dyestuffs, called alkannins, the bark of the root is also used for staining cosmetics and foods. Three open-chain alkaloids, 7-angeloylretronecine, triangularine and dihydroxytriangularine, were isolated from the bark of the root in a total concentration of 0.25 to 0.3%. The drug should however no longer be administered internally. Prior to staining of foods, e.g. of lemonades, alkaloids should previously be eliminated.“
[Medicinal plants in Europe containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids., Roeder, E., Pharmazie, Vol.50(2), 1995, 83-98]

alkanna_tinctoria_l._tausch.1417633293.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/12/03 20:01 von andreas