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Agrimonia procera Wallr. - syn.Agrimonia odorata Miller - Rosaceae
fragrant agrimony, Großer Odermennig, Wohlriechender Odermennig

Erect perennial herb, very similar to A.eupatoria but much less common, up to 1m high, native to Europe, also cultivated; leaves underneath covered with scented glands; flowers yellow; fruit lower spines bent downwards.

The dried aboveground parts are also a source of 'Agrimoniae herba' like that of of A.eupatoria.

„It is similar to A.eupatoria but ca easily be distinguished by its fragrant smell.“
[Medicinal Plants of the World. Ben-Erik Van Wyk and Michael Wink, Pretoria 2004, 36]

Kops et al., J., Flora Batava, vol.17, t.1346 (1885)

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