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Rutaceae - syn. Barosma crenulata, oval leaf buchu, Feinblättrige Duftraute

Evergreen shrub native to South Africa. Used as flavoring agent and as herbal remedy for digestive disturbances and urinary tract infection. [Van Wyk, Ben-Erik (2005). Food Plants of the World. Portland Oregon: Timber Press, Inc. ISBN 0-88192-743-0]

„Agathosma crenulata and A. betulina are commercially grown for their (essential) oil.“

„Essential oil content: not less than 1.5% (range: 1.32-2.19-4.0%)… the essential oil, of which the major constituents are limonene (9.0-1.8%), menthone/isomenthone (6.49-28.0%), pulegone/isopulegone (51.4-60.0%) and both cis- and trans-8-acetylthio-p-menthane-3-one (7.03%). Neither diosphenol/ψ-diosphenol (“buchu camphor”) nor the 8-mercapto-p-menthane-3-ones,characteristic of A. betulina , have been detected in the oil of this species. “ [cit. given: ]

„Oil from oval leaf buchu is less desireable because it contains little or no diosphenol and hig levels of pulegone, a potentially toxic compound.“ [MPW]

agathosma_crenulata_l._pillans.1400668233.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/06/13 11:32 (Externe Bearbeitung)