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Aethusa cynapium L. - Apiaceae - fool's parsley, poison parseley, Hundspetersilie

Annual or biennial herb, native to Europe and northwestern Asia; leaves pinnate; flowers white.

„In humans, the accidental ingestion (instead of parsley) may cause burning mouth, pale skin, vomiting, cold sweats, rapid heart beat, bloating, dilation of the pupils and thus blurred vision, convulsions and paralysis, up to clouding of consciousness and ultimately respiratory paralysis.“
[Giftpflanzen + Pflanzengifte - Vorkommen, Wirkung, Therapie und allergische und phototoxische Reaktionen., L. Roth, M. Daunderer, K. Kornmann, M. Grünsfelder, Hamburg 2008, 101]

A.cynapium contains toxic polyyne compounds like aethusin, aethusanol A and aethusanol B.
[Bohlmann, F., Arndt, C., Bornowski, H. and Herbst, P. (1960), Polyacetylenverbindungen, XXVI. Die Polyine aus Aethusa cynapium L. Chem. Ber., 93: 981–987. doi: 10.1002/cber.19600930433]

„Bioactivity guided fractionation of the anxiolytic methanol extract has led to the isolation of a novel unsaturated fatty acid. Structure of the acid characterized by UV, IR, 1H NMR, C13 NMR, MS techniques was found to be trideca-7, 9, 11-trienoic acid. Antianxiety activity was confirmed using the mCPP-induced hypolocomotion test. This new fatty acid — trideca-7,9,11-trienoic acid, isolated from A. cynapium was found to be responsible for the antianxiety activity of the plant.“
[A new anxiolytic fatty acid from Aethusa cynapium., Shri, R., Bhutani, K.K., Sharma, A., Fitoterapia, Vol.81(8), 2010, 1053-1057]


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