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Abies sibirica Ledeb. - Pinaceae - Siberian fir, Sibirische Tanne

Evergreen tree, up to 35m high, native to Soberia and adjacent areas; bark gray brown, smooth; branchlets yellowish gray, shining; leaves ascending, light green adaxially, linear, 2-4cm long, stomatal lines in 2 white bands abaxially, resin canals 2, median; seed scales initially blueish, later brown or dark brown at maturity, cylindric, 5-9.5cm long.

„Essential oils extracted from the leaves are used in aromatherapy and perfumes.“

„Participants who breathed air containing the essential oil showed prolonged heartbeat intervals and increased theta activity as measured by electroencephalography in the recovery period after the VDT task, but not during the task. The volatile constituents emitted from the essential oil of A. sibirica through the odorant delivery system for 40 min were α-pinene (80.4 µg), santene (3.1 µg), tricyclene (2.4 µg), camphene (24.2 µg), β-pinene (2.6 µg), myrcene (1.0 µg), δ-3-carene (14.4 µg), limonene (3.8 µg), and bornyl acetate (1.0 µg).“
[The essential oil of Abies sibirica (Pinaceae) reduces arousal levels after visual display terminal work., Matsubara, E., Fukagawa, M., Okamoto, T., Ohnuki, K., Shimizu, K., Kondo, R., Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 26(3), 2011, 204-210]

The essential oil isolated from Abies sibirica needles contained bornylacetate (34.2%), camphene (17.4%), and α-terpene (6.7%) as major constituents. „The contents of the constituents in various fractions changed during production of the essential oil depending on the distillation time… the biological activity of A. sibirica essential oil depended largely on the contents of the major constituents such as bornylacetate and camphene.“
[Biological Activity of Abies Sibirica Essential Oil and its Major Constituents for Several Enzymes In Vitro., Polyakov, N.A., Dubinskaya, V.A., Efremov, A.A., Efremov, E.A., Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 48(7), 2014, 456-460]

Ledebour,C.F. von, Icones plantarum novarum, vol.5 t.500 (1834)

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