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Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Sprengel - Amaryllidaceae - garlic chives, Chinese chives, nira, Knoblauch-Schnittlauch

Widely cultivated as a vegetable, it is native in Shanxi Province, China, at altitudes 1000-1100 meters.

„The flavor is more like garlic than chives. It grows in slowly expanding perennial clumps, but also readily sprouts from seed. In warmer areas, garlic chives may remain green all year round. In cold climates, aerial parts of garlic chives will die back completely to the ground and the roots/rhizomes will over-winter and then re-sprout in spring time.“

„Allium tuberosum is generally regarded as a cultivated species with a tetraploid chromosome number (2 n = 32), although a wild population was recently discovered in Shanxi Province with a diploid number (2 n = 16; Yang et al., Acta Phytotax. Sin. 36: 36–46. 1998).“

„The flavor components of Nira (Allium tuberosum Rottl.) have been studied by a combination of gas chromatography and mass-spectrometry. Twenty-nine compounds were identified in the oil obtained from extraction of the steam distillate of Nira. The identified compounds include 7 sulfides, 2 ketones, 18 alcohols and 2 esters. The main volatile components were dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide.“
[Volatile flavor components of nira (Allium tuberosum Rottl.), Iida, Hiroshi, et al. Journal of Food Science Vol.48 (2), 1983, 660-661]

In the headspace of A. tuberosum, diallyl disulphide was detected as the main component (58%).
[Hori, Masatoshi. „Onion aphid (Neotoxoptera formosana) attractants, in the headspace of Allium fistulosum and A. tuberosum leaves.“ Journal of Applied Entomology 131.1 (2007): 8-12]

The volatiles spectrum of Chinese chive was basically consistent with the volatiles surface enhanced Raman scattering spectrum of the mixture of liquid allyl methyl sulfide and diallyl disulfide.
[Zhang, Chuan-yun, et al. „Research on volatiles of rakkyo (Allium Chinense G. Don) and Chinese chive (Allium Tuberosum rottl. ex sprengel) based on headspace and the molecular recognition of SERS.“ Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 35.2 (2015): 394-398]


Mean concentrations of individual thiosulphinates found in different A.tuberosum cultivars were (dry weight basis): Allicin 183-330 ppm, allyl methyl thiosulphinate 2190-3550 ppm, and allyl trans-1-propenyl thiosulphinate 30-75ppm.
[Singh, Pritee, et al. „Comparative evaluation of different Allium accessions for allicin and other allyl thiosulphinates.“ Industrial Crops and Products 147 (2020): 112215]

Allium tuberosum leaves and inflorescences, Botanical Garden Berlin 2006; Author: BotBln
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