Viola ucriana Erben & Raimondo - Violaceae - Viola di Ucria (ital.), Palermo violet

Critically endangered perennial, evergreen herbaceous plant native to Sizily (slopes of Mt Pizzuta; Serre della Pizzuta Nature Reserve); leaves greyish green, ovate, shortly stalked, entire or notched, lower ones smaller; flowers yellow, lightly fragrant.

„This species is included in Red Lists at different levels (regional, national and international), either as part of the taxon Viola nebrodensis or as a variety of the latter. However, it is not protected by any particular law or convention. In situ: The entire area where it is found is included in the 'Monte Pizzuta, Costa del Carpineto, Moarda' SCI (Site of Community Importance). However, only the Mt. Pizzuta site is part of 'Serre della Pizzuta' Nature Reserve.“
[de Montmollin, Bertrand, and Wendy Strahm, eds. The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants: Wild plants at the brink of extinction, and what is needed to save them. IUCN, 2005] PDF

The delicate floral scent is dominated by salicylates, eugenol, and ionones.
[Gianguzzi, Lorenzo, et al. „All hands on deck: An innovative approach to sustained and sustainable conservation funding for endangered plants and ecosystems.“ Conservation Science and Practice 4.4 (2022): e12642] PDF

Viola ucriana; Monti di Palermo (2013) IPFI - Indice dei nomi delle specie botaniche presenti in Italia