Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton - Ericaceae - lowbush blueberry

Low spreading deciduous shrub, up to 60cm tall, native to eastern and central Canada (from Manitoba to Newfoundland) and the northeastern United States; flowers white, bell-shaped, 4-6mm long; fruit berry dark blue to black, sweet and aromatic.

„In lowbush blueberries, the major odor active volatiles were different than in highbush blueberries and were dominated by esters (Forney et al., unpublished data). Important odor active compounds identified included methyl 3-methylbutanoate, ethyl 3-methylbutanoate, ethyl 2-methyl-butanoate, methyl 2-methylbutanote, linalool, and methyl butanoate.“
[Forney, Charles F. „Horticultural and other factors affecting aroma volatile composition of small fruit.“ HortTechnology 11.4 (2001): 529-538]

Vaccinium angustifolium fruits CC BY-SA 3.0 North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox