Telosma cordata (Burm. f.) Merr. - syn.Asclepias cordata Burm. f.; Pergularia odoratissima (Lour.) Sm.; Telosma odoratissima (Lour.) Coville - Apocynaceae
Chinese violet, fragrant telosma, Tonkin jasmine, pakalana vine, (hoa) thiên lý (vietn.), fragrancia nocturna (span.), parfum nocturne (fr.), Pakalana, Chinesisches Veilchen

Perennial climber, up to 10m long, native to Vietnam and China, naturalized and cultivated elsewhere; leaves cordate; flowers in 15-30 flowered umbellate cymes, golden yellow, fragrant (especially at night).
[Telosma cordata., Lim, T.K. , In Edible Medicinal And Non-Medicinal Plants, Springer Netherlands, 2014, 107-110]

„The flower buds are used in Southern Chinese cuisine, Vietnamese cuisine and Northern Thai cuisine, where they are stir-fried or boiled in broth.“

theaspirane A/B

Essential oil (simultaneous distillation and extraction, SDE) of Telosma cordata flowers growing in Hawaii contained a total of 43 compounds (GC-MS). Geraniol, β-ionone, dihydro-β-ionone, dihydro-β-ionol, and cis- and trans-theaspirane were found to make a major contribution to the characteristic rose-like scent of the flowers.
[Volatile components of Telosma cordata Merrill flowers., Aral, T., Hashimoto, S., Furukawa, K., Flavour and fragrance journal, Vol.8(4), 1993, 221-223]

„Chinese immigrants introduced pakalana to Hawaii in the late 1800s. Prized for their fragrance, the flowers are strung into leis and presented on special occasions. Opening greenish and aging to yellow-orange, the five-part flowers are 15 to 20 mm long and 12 to 15 mm wide at the corolla. They are borne axially in clusters of two to 20 during the spring and summer in Hawaii.“
[Criley, Richard A. „Temperature influences flowering of Pakalana (Telosma cordata Merrill) under long days.“ HortScience 30.3 (1995): 482-483]

Degener, O., Flora Hawaiiensis, the new illustrated flora of the Hawaiian islands, (1932-1980)

picture source typicalgardner blog