Santolina virens Mill. - syn.Santolina viridis Willd.; Santolina rosmarinifolia L. ssp. rosmarinifolia - Asteraceae
green cotton lavender, holy flax, green santolina, Grünes Heiligenkraut, Olivenkraut

Perennial herb, up to 50cm high, native to the Mediterranean; leaves pinnately divided into very small segments, deep green, glabrous, scented; flowers in button-like heads, yellow.

The aroma of the leaves is reminiscent of the scent of fresh olives, therefore it replaces or complements olives in salads and Mediterranean dishes.

 agropyrene agropyrene

Capillene (agropyrene, 1-phenylhexa-2,4-diyne) „… was found to be the main constituent (35.2%) of the essential oil of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. ssp. rosmarinifolia. The related ketone capillin (1-phenylhexa-2,4-diyn-1-one, 0.4%) was also found. The rest of the oil was made up of monoterpenes (53.3%) and sesquiterpenes (9.6%). The main monoterpenes were: β-phellandrene (14.9%), myrcene (13.1%), β-pinene (7.8%) and sabinene (5.5%), while the principal sesquiterpene was ar-curcumene (4.3%).“
[Essential oil of Santolina rosmarinifolia L. ssp. rosmarinifolia: first isolation of capillene, a diacetylene derivative., Palá‐Paúl, J., Pérez‐Alonso, M. J., Velasco‐Negueruela, A., Ramos‐Vázquez, P., Gómez‐Contreras, F., Sanz, J., Flavour and fragrance journal, Vol.14(2), 1999, 131-134]

picture source Dr.Roy Winkelman, San Francisco Botanical Garden, San Francisco, California