Nigritella rubra (Wettst.) K.Richt. syn. Nigritella miniata (Crantz) Janch.; Gymnadenia miniata (Crantz) Hayek - Orchidaceae
Rotes Kohlröschen, Rotes Männertreu
Orchid native to the Eastern Alps, classified as 'Near Threatened', highly protected; flowers brilliant red, very fragrant, appearing earlier in spring than those of Nigritella nigra.
2-phenylethanol | phenylacetaldehyde (green-floral, honey) | methyl benzoate (R=Me) | β-ionone (woody sweet) | vanillin |
The flowers emit a spicy-floral cocoa-vanilla scent similar to that of N.nigra but somewhat lighter. Main components of the headspace were 2-phenylethanol (31.0%), 2-phenylacetaldehyde (13.9%), methyl benzoate (11.5%), benzyl alcohol (8.6%), and benzaldehyde (6.0%). Minor olfactory important compounds were dihydro-β-ionone (0.05%), β-ionone (0.1%), benzyl isovalerate (1.4%), 2-phenylethyl isovalerate (0.2%), eugenol (1.1%), indole (0.1%), and vanillin (0.1%).
[Scent of a vanishing flora, Roman Kaiser, 2011, 191-192 and 390-291]
Nigritella miniata s. str. © Rolf Marschner (2011),