Dianthus superbus L. - Caryophyllaceae - fringed pink, oeillet superbe (fr.), Prachtnelke

Perennial herb, up to 60(-80)cm tall, native from Southeastern Europe (France) to Eastern Asia (China, Japan); leaves green to glaucous, linear-lanceolate, 5-10cm long; flowers terminal, sometimes axillary, calyx usually reddish purple, cylindric, 2.5-3cm long, bracts 4 (6) ca. 1/4 as long as calyx; five deeply cut fringed petals, pale pink to lavender; flowers sweetly scented; seeds black, glossy, compressed ovoid, ca. 2mm.

The floral scent of D.superbus was dominated by only two compounds: (Z)-β-ocimene (49.8%), and β-caryophyllene (23.5%). Minor components were (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate (0.6%), methyl benzoate (1.8%), methyl salicylate (1.7%), dimethyl salicylate (2.0%), cis-asarone (1.1%), and β-pinene (1.1%) e.g.
[Jürgens, Andreas, Taina Witt, and Gerhard Gottsberger. „Flower scent composition in Dianthus and Saponaria species (Caryophyllaceae) and its relevance for pollination biology and taxonomy.“ Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 31.4 (2003): 345-357] http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Main components of the haedspace of Dianthus superbus ssp. alpestris were (E)-ocimene (43.2%) and caryophyllene (25.5%). The scent is not clove-like but warm-aromatic floral, based on benzyl salicylate (0.02%), vanillin (0.03%), (E)-isoeugenol (0.03%), (E)-2,3-dihydrofarnesol (0.9%), (E)-2,3-dihydrofarnesal (0.1%), methylisoeugenol (0.3%), methyl salicylate (4.1%) and methyl benzoate (4.6%).
[Scent of a vanishing flora, Roman Kaiser, 2011, 187 and 348-349]

Emitted scent compounds in Dianthus superbus were (nmol/gFW): β-ocimene (77.5), β-caryophyllene (17.7), benzaldehyde (0.5), benzyl alcohol (trace), benzyl benzoate (0.5), methyl salicylate (3.7), α-humulene (0.4), limonene (1.8), myrcene (3.8), (Z)-3-hexenol (0.1), (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate (2.9), and (Z)-3-hexenyl benzoate (trace) e.g.
[Kishimoto, Kyutaro, et al. „Evaluation of wild Dianthus species as genetic resources for fragrant carnation breeding based on their floral scent composition.“ Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 80.2 (2011): 175-181] https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jjshs1/80/2/80_2_175/_pdf

Dianthus superbus L.; Dietrich, A.G., Flora regni borussici, vol.3 t.196 (1835)

Dianthus superbus subsp. superbus © Rolf Marschner (2008), www.botanische-spaziergaenge.at