Aeranthes grandiflora Lindl. syn. Aeranthes brachycentron Regel - Orchidaceae - Large-flowered Aeranthes
Epiphytic orchid, native to Madagascar, also cultivated as house plant.
„It is characterized by long, spindly, naturally hanging inflorescences and relatively large, semi-translucent flowers which open successively over a long period of time; do not cut the inflorescence after the first flower has faded, as these plants rebloom abundantly.“
2,3-pentandione (buttery, cheesy) | 3,4-hexandione (buttery, caramellic) | phenyl-1,2-propandione (buttery, cocoa) |
The flowers are night-scented. „… its scent is initially reminiscent of freshly-baked butter cookies and, therafter, of floral-herbaeous notes. This aspect, unique amongst alle the orchis investigated, is largely due to 2,3-pentandione, 3,4-hexandione, phenyl-1,2-propandione, and benzaldehyde.“
[The scent of orchids: olfactory and chemical investigations., Kaiser, R., Elsevier Science Publishers BV., 1993, 130-131 and 193]
Aeranthes grandiflora, Berggarten Hannover, Foto Stefan Neuwirth