Marrubium alysson L. - Lamiaceae - Hashisha Rabiah (arab.) Perennial herb, up to 40cm high, native to the Mediterranean. "Marrubium alysson (Labiatae) is a common plant in Egypt, and is native in the Mediterranean coastal strip from El-Sallum to Rafah and also in the Sinai desert. Its Arabic name is "Hashisha Rabiah" and is used in the form of a decoction as a remedy for asthma and as a diuretic. In North Africa, the tops are used as a flavouring agent... Air-dried aerial parts of the M. alysson (1.5 kg) were extracted with methanol at room temperature for 3 days... Premarrubiin (3.2 mg), marrubiin (4.5 g, 0.3%) and marrubenol (22 mg) were isolated and identified... |{{:marrubenol.jpg|marrubenol}} \\ marrubenol |{{:marrubiin.jpg|marrubiin}} \\ marrubiin | The assay showed a strong inhibiting effect of M. alysson total EtOAc extract on α-glucosidase (88.78% inhibition of the enzyme activity at 50 μg/mL with IC 50 : 8.36±0.0019μg/mL), significantly higher than that of the well known synthetic α-glucosidase inhibitor, acarbose (Positive drug-control, 54.98% inhibition at 250 μg/mL with IC 50 : 64.14±0.0033μM)." \\ [Marrubiin: a potent α-glucosidase inhibitor from //Marrubium alysson//. El-Mohsen, M. A., Rabeh, M. A., El-Hefnawi, M., Abou-Setta, L., Elgarf, I., El-Rashedy, A., Hussein, A. A., International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products, Vol.7(1), 2014, 21-27] [[|PDF]] {{marrubium_alysson.jpg?600}} \\ Marrubium alysson L., Negev Mountains, Israel, March 2007 \\ Author: Gidip [[|CC BY-SA 3.0]] [[|Wikimedia Commons]]