Juniperus cedrus Webb & Berthel. - Cupressaceae \\ cedro canario (span.), Canary Islands juniper, **Zedern-Wacholder**, Kanaren-Wacholder Endangered species, "...native to the western Canary Islands (Tenerife, La Palma, Gran Canaria, Gomera) and Madeira (J. cedrus Webb & Berthel. subsp. maderensis (Menezes) Rivas Mart et al.), where it occurs at altitudes of 500-2400m" \\ [[]] Evergreen dioecious aromatic tree, up to 15m tall; trunk thick, up to 1m in diameter, crown globos, may become flag-shaped because of the wind; young twigs pendulous, giving the tree a 'weeping' appearance; bark greyish brown or reddish, cracked, and peels off in longitudinal strips; leaves needle-like, less than 2 cm in length and 2 mm in width, hard, with a sharp tip. \\ "The males form very small cones that produce pollen and the females have false fruits known as galbuli. These are somewhat fleshy and almost spherical, around 1.5 cm in diameter, and are covered in a dusty- or waxy-looking layer (bloom). They are bluish green at first, becoming reddish chestnut in colour when they ripen, in the second year. Each fruit contains up to 3 seeds." \\ [[]] |{{:thujopsene.jpg| thujopsene}} \\ thujopsene |{{:cedrol.jpg| α-cedrol}} \\ α-cedrol |{{:thymoquinone.jpg| thymoquinone }} \\ thymoquinone |{{:carvacrol.jpg|carvacrol }} \\ carvacrol | The total acetone extract of the heartwood contained (very approximate estimates) mainly cis-thujopsene (36%), widdrol (11%), cedrol (10%), thymoquinone (6%), δ-cadinol (6%), carvacrol, cuparene, nootkatin and β-thujaplicine. \\ [Runeberg, J. "The chemistry of the natural order cupressales XXX. Heartwood constituents of Juniperus cedrus L." Acta Chemica Scandinavica 14.9 (1960): 1991-1994] [[]] Essential oil isolated from the leaves of J.cedrus consisted of only 27 components. main constituents were α-pinene (70.7%), sabinene (1.0%), β-pinene (4.1%), myrcene (6.3%), α‐phellandrene (0.5%), limonene (4.5%), and β-phellandrene (4.6%). \\ [Adams, Robert P. "The leaf essential oils and chemotaxonomy of Juniperus sect. Juniperus." Biochemical Systematics and ecology 26.6 (1998): 637-645] The essential oils isolated from twigs of Juniperus cedrus Webb & Berth. grown on Madeira consisted mainly of monoterpene hydrocarbons with α‐pinene (19-55%), limonene (17-32%) and Δ‐3‐carene (5-15%). Among other components were e.g. 1-octen‐3‐ol (1.0-2.2%), 1-octen‐3‐ol acetate (0-0.7%), bornyl acetate (0.2-0.9%), α‐terpinyl acetate (0.8-4.2%), carvacrol (0.2-2%), and caryophyllene (1.6-7.4%). \\ [Cavaleiro, Carlos, et al. "Composition of the essential oil of Juniperus cedrus Webb & Berth. grown on Madeira." Flavour and fragrance journal 17.2 (2002): 111-114] \\ [[]]