Gongora armeniaca (Lindl.) Rchb.f. syn. Acropera armeniaca Lindl. - Orchidaceae Epiphytic orchid native to Central America (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama) in wet montane forests at altitudes of 500 to 1500 meters; pseudobulbs clustered, ovoid, ribbed; leaves elliptic-lanceolate; inflorescence pendulous, up to 40 cm long, few to many flowered (30); flowers waxy, yellowish to orange-brown, fragrant (sometimes described as [[https://www.canadianorchidcongress.ca/Fragrant.pdf|apricot-like]]). Flower scent intense terpene-like, warm-herbaceous, almost labdanum-like "...produced by the combination of hydroquinone dimethylether, methyl 3-phenylpropionate and methyl cinnamate in particular, whilst (E)-ocimene and certain sesquiterpenes - present as the main constituents - contribute to the terpene-like, slightly woody and balsamic notes." \\ Main components of the headspace were 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (22.0%), caryophyllene (13.1%), bicyclogermacrene (17.5%), hydroquinone dimethylether (6.1%), and germacra-1(10),5-dien-4-ol (16.9%). \\ [The scent of orchids: olfactory and chemical investigations., Kaiser, R., Basel 1993, 77 and 224] {{:gongora_armeniaca.png?600}} \\ Curtis, W., Curtis's botanical magazine (1800-1948) vol. 91 (1865) [tt. 5486-5551] t. 5501 \\ [[http://plantillustrations.org/species.php?id_species=474377]]