Cymbidium goeringii (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f. - syn. Maxillaria goeringii Rchb.f. - Orchidaceae \\ [[|シュンラン]] (jap.), 春兰 chun lan (chin.) Terrestrial plant, native to East Asia (Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan), cultivated; pseudobulbs small, ovoid; leaves 4-7, linear-elliptic, acute, margins fine toothed; inflorescence shorter than the leaves, basal, erect, basally sheathed, 4 -10cm long, usually solitary (to 2-3 flowered); flowers pleasantly fragrant, variable in color, usually yellowish green with purplish brown venation, sometimes olive-green, membranous. [[]] \\ See also [[|Gerhard Raschun jun.: "Cymbidium goeringii (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f., eine terrestrische Orchidee aus Ostasien"]] The pleasant scent, especially of Cymbidium goeringii var.goeringii (widely found in Southern China), is reminescent of lily-of-the-valley, ripe lemons, and methyl cis-(Z)-jasmonate (floral-jasmine like; headspace 1.6%). While the muguet aspect is due to nerolidol (58.0%) and (E,E)-farnesol (11.5%), the fresh-floral odour note reminiscent of ripe lemons and jasmine is mainly caused by methyl cis-(Z)-dehydrojasmonate (1.1%). An herbaceous, aromatic aspect/negative facet of Japanese types of C.goeringii is attributable to 1,2,3-trimethoxy benzene and 1,2,3,5-tetramethoxy benzene.\\ [R.Kaiser, The scent of orchids: Olfactory and chemical investigations., Basel 1993, 151-152 and 211] \\ [R.Kaiser, Scent of the Vanishing Flora, Zurich 2011, 15-19 and 228] |{{:nerolidol_e.jpg| (E)-nerolidol}} \\ (E)-nerolidol \\ //(floral green)// |{{:farnesol_2e6e.jpg| (E,E)-farnesol}} \\ (E,E)-farnesol \\ //(floral muguet)// | {{:jasmonate_methyl_epi.jpg| (1R,2S)-methyl cis-(Z)-dehydrojasmonate }} \\ (1R,2S)-methyl cis-(Z)-jasmonate \\ (+)-epi-methyl jasmonate | {{:methylcis-_z_-dehydrojasmonate1r2s.png| (1R,2S)-methyl cis-(Z)-dehydrojasmonate}} \\ (1R,2S)-methyl cis-(Z)-dehydrojasmonate \\ //(ripe-lemon, jasmine)// | The absolute configuration of methyl cis-(Z)-dehydrojasmonate was determined by Kitahara et al. as (1R,2S). \\ [Kitahara, T.; Inoue, M.; Tamogami, S.; Kaiser, R. Tetrahedron 1996, 52, 1487-1492] {{:cymbidium_goeringii_3.jpg}} \\ Cymbidium goeringii flower (2008), author: Qwert1234 [[|CC BY-SA 3.0]] [[|Wikimedia Commons]]