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umbellularia_californica_hook._arn._nutt [2015/03/08 20:08]
umbellularia_californica_hook._arn._nutt [2015/06/13 11:40] (aktuell)
Zeile 4: Zeile 4:
 Evergreen aromatic tree, native to western North America; leaves simple, alternate, leathery; small  flowers in dense umbels; fruit a red berry. Evergreen aromatic tree, native to western North America; leaves simple, alternate, leathery; small  flowers in dense umbels; fruit a red berry.
-"The leaf has been used as a cure for headache, toothache, and earachethough the volatile oils in the leaves may also cause headaches. Poultices of Umbellularia leaves were used to treat rheumatism and neuralgias. A tea was made from the leaves to treat stomach aches, colds, sore throats, and to clear up mucus in the lungs. The leaves were steeped in hot water to make an infusion that was used to wash sores. The Pomo and Yuki tribes of Mendocino County treated headaches by placing a single leaf in the nostril or bathing the head with a laurel leaf infusion." \\+"The leaf has been used as a cure for headache, toothache, and earache though the volatile oils in the leaves may also cause headaches. Poultices of Umbellularia leaves were used to treat rheumatism and neuralgias. A tea was made from the leaves to treat stomach aches, colds, sore throats, and to clear up mucus in the lungs. The leaves were steeped in hot water to make an infusion that was used to wash sores. The Pomo and Yuki tribes of Mendocino County treated headaches by placing a single leaf in the nostril or bathing the head with a laurel leaf infusion." \\
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umbellularia_californica_hook._arn._nutt.1425841737.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/03/08 20:08 von andreas