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solanum_lycopersicum_l [2018/04/03 12:23] andreassolanum_lycopersicum_l [2021/11/11 12:02] (aktuell) andreas
Zeile 7: Zeile 7:
 **Tomato leaves**: Main volatiles of blended tomato leaves isolated by direct solvent extraction were (E)-2-hexenal (270ppm) and (Z)-3-hexenal (23ppm). The trapped scent (Tenax) of intact leaves contained mainly ß-phellandrene (25ppm), 2-carene (7ppm), limonene (4ppm) , caryophlyllene (3ppm), and humulene (0.8ppm). "Determination of odor unit values of the compounds contributing most to the leaf odor include (Z)-3-hexenal, limonene, hexanal, (E)-2-hexenal, eugenol, 1,8-cineole, caryophyllene, ß-phellandrene, humulene, and linalool." \\ **Tomato leaves**: Main volatiles of blended tomato leaves isolated by direct solvent extraction were (E)-2-hexenal (270ppm) and (Z)-3-hexenal (23ppm). The trapped scent (Tenax) of intact leaves contained mainly ß-phellandrene (25ppm), 2-carene (7ppm), limonene (4ppm) , caryophlyllene (3ppm), and humulene (0.8ppm). "Determination of odor unit values of the compounds contributing most to the leaf odor include (Z)-3-hexenal, limonene, hexanal, (E)-2-hexenal, eugenol, 1,8-cineole, caryophyllene, ß-phellandrene, humulene, and linalool." \\
 [Tomato leaf volatile aroma components., Buttery, R.G., Ling, L.C., Light, D.M., Journal of Agricultural and food Chemistry, 35(6), 1987, 1039-1042] [Tomato leaf volatile aroma components., Buttery, R.G., Ling, L.C., Light, D.M., Journal of Agricultural and food Chemistry, 35(6), 1987, 1039-1042]
 +"Alkylthiazoles are well known in cooked products, but tomatoes are one of the few fresh foods where an alkylthiazole has been found. Although some isolated claims have been made for a number of alkylthiazoles in fresh tomato fruit, 2-isobutylthiazole is the only one that has been identified with certainty by many different researchers. 2-Isobutylthiazole occurs in the ripe fruit at ca. 100-300 ppb but we have been unable to detect any in the leaves or other parts of the tomato plant." \\
 +[Buttery, R. G., and L. C. Ling. "Volatile compounds of tomato fruit and plant parts: relationship and biogenesis." ACS symposium series (USA). 1993, 23-34]
 The headspace of tomato foliage of three cultivars Aromata, Santa Clara, and Carmen contained large amounts The headspace of tomato foliage of three cultivars Aromata, Santa Clara, and Carmen contained large amounts
solanum_lycopersicum_l.1522758190.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/04/03 12:23 von andreas

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