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platycladus_orientalis_l._franco [2021/11/13 10:58] andreasplatycladus_orientalis_l._franco [2021/11/13 11:01] (aktuell) andreas
Zeile 8: Zeile 8:
 "The composition of the hydrodistilled essential oils from the fruits and leaves of Thuja orientalis L. grown in Iran was analyzed by GC/MS. Nineteen and twenty-eight compounds have been identified in the volatile oils of the fruit and leaf, respectively. While the fruit oil contained α-pinene (52.4%), Δ-3-carene (14.2%), α-cedrol (6.5%) and β-phellandrene (5.1%), the leaf oil contained α-pinene (21.9%), α-cedrol (20.3%), Δ-3-carene (10.5%) and limonene (7.2%) as the main components." \\ "The composition of the hydrodistilled essential oils from the fruits and leaves of Thuja orientalis L. grown in Iran was analyzed by GC/MS. Nineteen and twenty-eight compounds have been identified in the volatile oils of the fruit and leaf, respectively. While the fruit oil contained α-pinene (52.4%), Δ-3-carene (14.2%), α-cedrol (6.5%) and β-phellandrene (5.1%), the leaf oil contained α-pinene (21.9%), α-cedrol (20.3%), Δ-3-carene (10.5%) and limonene (7.2%) as the main components." \\
-Minor components were thymoquinone (0.2%), bornyl acetate (1.0%), and geranyl acetate (0.4%) e.g. \\+Minor components of the leaf oil were thymoquinone (0.2%), bornyl acetate (1.0%), and geranyl acetate (0.4%) e.g. \\
 [Volatile constituents of the fruit and leaf oils of //Thuja orientalis// L. grown in Iran. Nickavar, B., Amin, G., Parhami, S., Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. C, Journal of biosciences, Vol.58(3-4), 2003, 171] [[]] [Volatile constituents of the fruit and leaf oils of //Thuja orientalis// L. grown in Iran. Nickavar, B., Amin, G., Parhami, S., Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. C, Journal of biosciences, Vol.58(3-4), 2003, 171] [[]]
-| {{:alpha_pinene.jpg| α-pinene }} \\ α-pinene | {{:carene_d3.jpg| Δ-3-carene }} \\ Δ-3-carene |{{:limonene.jpg| limonene }} \\ limonene |{{:cedrol.jpg| α-cedrol }} \\ α-cedrol |+| {{:alpha_pinene.jpg| α-pinene }} \\ α-pinene | {{:carene_d3.jpg| Δ-3-carene }} \\ Δ-3-carene |{{:limonene.jpg| limonene }} \\ limonene |{{:cedrol.jpg| α-cedrol }} \\ α-cedrol |{{:thymoquinone.jpg| thymoquinone }} \\ thymoquinone |{{:bornylacetate.jpg| bornyl acetate }} \\ bornyl acetate 
 "The essential oil from fresh leaves of Thuja orientalis L. grown in the north-western Himalaya was isolated by means of hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Twenty-two compounds representing 94.0% of the total oil were identified. The leaf oil contained α-pinene (29.2%), Δ-3-carene (20.1%), α-cedrol (9.8%), caryophyllene (7.5%), α-humulene (5.6%), limonene (5.4%), α-terpinolene (3.8%) and α-terpinyl acetate (3.5%) as major constituents. The essential oil showed antifungal activity against Alternaria alternata in a direct "The essential oil from fresh leaves of Thuja orientalis L. grown in the north-western Himalaya was isolated by means of hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Twenty-two compounds representing 94.0% of the total oil were identified. The leaf oil contained α-pinene (29.2%), Δ-3-carene (20.1%), α-cedrol (9.8%), caryophyllene (7.5%), α-humulene (5.6%), limonene (5.4%), α-terpinolene (3.8%) and α-terpinyl acetate (3.5%) as major constituents. The essential oil showed antifungal activity against Alternaria alternata in a direct
platycladus_orientalis_l._franco.1636801127.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/11/13 10:58 von andreas

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