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origanum_vulgare_l [2017/10/31 09:21] andreasoriganum_vulgare_l [2021/12/23 14:20] (aktuell) andreas
Zeile 8: Zeile 8:
 [Oregano spices and Origanum chemotypes. Fleisher, A. and Sneer, N. (1982),  J. Sci. Food Agric., 33: 441–446] [Oregano spices and Origanum chemotypes. Fleisher, A. and Sneer, N. (1982),  J. Sci. Food Agric., 33: 441–446]
-{{:carvacrol.jpg| carvacrol }}  carvacrol+Linalool was the main component in most samples of the flower scent of Spanish Origanum vulgare analyzed by direct thermal desorption coupled to GC-MS\\ 
 +[Garcıa, M. A., and J. Sanz. "Analysis of Origanum vulgare volatiles by direct thermal desorption coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry." Journal of Chromatography A 918.1 (2001): 189-194]
 "The plants of wild Origanum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare were collected in 10 localities of Vilnius district (Lithuania) in 1995-1999. The main constituents of the essential oils from 8 localities were β-ocimene (14.9-21.6%), germacrene D (10.0-16.2), β-caryophyllene (10.8-15.7%) and sabinene (6.6-4.2%). The essential oils from two localities contained only three above compounds as major components: germacrene D, β-ocimene and sabinene or β-caryophyllene, beta-ocimene and germacrene D. Three chemotypes of essential oils were identified. The main chemotype was β-ocimene germacrene D-β-caryophyllene. The terpenic hydrocarbons made up 52.8-80.6% of the essential oils. The 42 identified components made up 85.6-98.0% of the essential oil." \\ "The plants of wild Origanum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare were collected in 10 localities of Vilnius district (Lithuania) in 1995-1999. The main constituents of the essential oils from 8 localities were β-ocimene (14.9-21.6%), germacrene D (10.0-16.2), β-caryophyllene (10.8-15.7%) and sabinene (6.6-4.2%). The essential oils from two localities contained only three above compounds as major components: germacrene D, β-ocimene and sabinene or β-caryophyllene, beta-ocimene and germacrene D. Three chemotypes of essential oils were identified. The main chemotype was β-ocimene germacrene D-β-caryophyllene. The terpenic hydrocarbons made up 52.8-80.6% of the essential oils. The 42 identified components made up 85.6-98.0% of the essential oil." \\
 [The essential oil of Origanum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare growing wild in vilnius district (Lithuania). Mockute D1, Bernotiene G, Judzentiene A., Phytochemistry, Vol.57(1), 2001, 65-9] [The essential oil of Origanum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare growing wild in vilnius district (Lithuania). Mockute D1, Bernotiene G, Judzentiene A., Phytochemistry, Vol.57(1), 2001, 65-9]
-Linalool was the main component in most samples of the flower scent of Spanish Origanum vulgare analyzed by direct thermal desorption coupled to GC-MS. \\ +|{{:carvacrol.jpg|carvacrol }} \\ carvacrol |{{:thymol.jpg|thymol}} \\ thymol |{{:ocimene_e_beta.jpg|(E)-ocimene}} \\ (E)-ocimene |{{:ocimene_z_beta.jpg|(Z)-ocimene}} \\ (Z)-ocimene |{{:terpinene_gamma.jpg|γ-terpinene}} \\ γ-terpinene |{{:cymene.jpg|p-cymene}} \\ cymene |{{:rotundone.jpg|rotundone}} \\ rotundone |
-[Garcıa, MA., and J. Sanz. "Analysis of Origanum vulgare volatiles by direct thermal desorption coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry." Journal of Chromatography A 918.1 (2001): 189-194]+
 "When the essential oil of oregano was analyzed by GC-MS 32 compounds were identified, representing 88.5% of the total oil, the major constituent being carvacrol (61.21%). Other important compounds were p-cymene (15.12%) and γ-terpinene (4.80%). Sezik et al. investigated the essential oil composition of four subspecies of Origanum vulgare, subsp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart, subsp. gracile (C. Koch) Ietswaart, subsp. vulgare and subsp. viride (Boiss.) Hayek, all of which grow wild in Turkey, and identified more than 80 constituents. Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum was rich in carvacrol (70.47%), while subsp. gracile contained β-caryophyllene (17.54%) and germacrene-D (12.75%) as dominant components. The major components of subsp. viride were terpinen-4-ol (16.82%) and germacrene-D (15.87%) and of subsp. vulgare terpinen-4-ol + β-caryophyllene (20.94%) and germacrene-D (17.80%)." \\ "When the essential oil of oregano was analyzed by GC-MS 32 compounds were identified, representing 88.5% of the total oil, the major constituent being carvacrol (61.21%). Other important compounds were p-cymene (15.12%) and γ-terpinene (4.80%). Sezik et al. investigated the essential oil composition of four subspecies of Origanum vulgare, subsp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart, subsp. gracile (C. Koch) Ietswaart, subsp. vulgare and subsp. viride (Boiss.) Hayek, all of which grow wild in Turkey, and identified more than 80 constituents. Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum was rich in carvacrol (70.47%), while subsp. gracile contained β-caryophyllene (17.54%) and germacrene-D (12.75%) as dominant components. The major components of subsp. viride were terpinen-4-ol (16.82%) and germacrene-D (15.87%) and of subsp. vulgare terpinen-4-ol + β-caryophyllene (20.94%) and germacrene-D (17.80%)." \\
Zeile 29: Zeile 29:
 "The major components of oregano essential oil were carvacrol, β-fenchyl alcohol, thymol, and γ-terpinene. Hot water extract had the strongest antioxidant properties and the highest phenolic content." \\ "The major components of oregano essential oil were carvacrol, β-fenchyl alcohol, thymol, and γ-terpinene. Hot water extract had the strongest antioxidant properties and the highest phenolic content." \\
 [Chemical composition and bioactivity of different oregano (Origanum vulgare) extracts and essential oil. Teixeira, B., Marques, A., Ramos, C., Serrano, C., Matos, O., Neng, N. R., Nogueira, J. M. F., Saraiva, J. A. and Nunes, M. L. (2013),  J. Sci. Food Agric., 93: 2707–2714] [Chemical composition and bioactivity of different oregano (Origanum vulgare) extracts and essential oil. Teixeira, B., Marques, A., Ramos, C., Serrano, C., Matos, O., Neng, N. R., Nogueira, J. M. F., Saraiva, J. A. and Nunes, M. L. (2013),  J. Sci. Food Agric., 93: 2707–2714]
 +"In thymol, carvacrol, p-cymene and thymohydroquinone biosynthesis, geranyl diphosphate (GDP) is first cyclized to γ-terpinene by the terpene synthase (TvTPS2). P450s hydroxylate γ-terpinene either at C-3 or C-6, and the dienol intermediates are converted by a short-chain dehydrogenase (SDR) to the corresponding ketones. These allylic ketones undergo keto-enol tautomerisms to form thymol and carvacrol. The formation of p-cymene results from the spontaneous rearrangement of the dienol intermediates due to their instability in aqueous conditions. Thymol and carvacrol are converted to thymohydroquinone by CYP76S40 or CYP736A300 and, subsequently, to thymoquinone by spontaneous conversion or enzymatic action." \\
 +["The biosynthesis of thymol, carvacrol, and thymohydroquinone in Lamiaceae proceeds via cytochrome P450s and a short-chain dehydrogenase", Sandra T. Krause, Pan Liao, Christoph Crocoll, Benoît Boachon, Christiane Förster, Franziska Leidecker, Natalie Wiese, Dongyan Zhao, Joshua C. Wood, C. Robin Buell, Jonathan Gershenzon, Natalia Dudareva, Jörg Degenhardt; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Dec 2021, 118 (52) e2110092118; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2110092118] [[]]
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