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helichrysum_italicum_roth_g.don [2021/10/20 11:48]
helichrysum_italicum_roth_g.don [2021/10/20 11:48] (aktuell)
Zeile 14: Zeile 14:
 [Bianchini, Ange, et al. "Composition of Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don fil. subsp. italicum essential oils from Corsica (France)." Flavour and fragrance journal 16.1 (2001): 30-34] [Bianchini, Ange, et al. "Composition of Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don fil. subsp. italicum essential oils from Corsica (France)." Flavour and fragrance journal 16.1 (2001): 30-34]
-|{{46dimethyloctan35dione.png| 4,6-dimethyloctan-3,5-dione }} \\ 4,6-dimethyloctan-3,5-dione \\ //(curry plant like)//|{{nerylacetate.png| neryl acetate }} \\ nerol \\ //(lemon floral)//|{{nerylacetate.png| neryl acetate }} \\ neryl acetate \\ //(sweet floral rose)//|+|{{46dimethyloctan35dione.png| 4,6-dimethyloctan-3,5-dione }} \\ 4,6-dimethyloctan-3,5-dione \\ //(curry plant like)//|{{nerol.png| nerol }} \\ nerol \\ //(lemon floral)//|{{nerylacetate.png| neryl acetate }} \\ neryl acetate \\ //(sweet floral rose)//|
 Tuscan Helichrysum italicum subsp.italicum oils exhibited high contents of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (23-38%) with significant amounts of β-selinene (7-12%), β-caryophyllene (5-11%) and α-selinene (5-8%). The major compounds were α-pinene (53.5% max) or neryl acetate (22.0% max). \\ Tuscan Helichrysum italicum subsp.italicum oils exhibited high contents of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (23-38%) with significant amounts of β-selinene (7-12%), β-caryophyllene (5-11%) and α-selinene (5-8%). The major compounds were α-pinene (53.5% max) or neryl acetate (22.0% max). \\
helichrysum_italicum_roth_g.don.1634723289.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/10/20 11:48 von andreas