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betula_pendula_roth [2018/12/27 17:58]
betula_pendula_roth [2024/08/19 12:20] (aktuell)
Zeile 9: Zeile 9:
 The rectified [[|oil of birch bark tar]] is used in perfumery for smoky-leathery-phenolic notes. The tar is manufactured by controlled heating of bark of various birch species (mainly white birch). Several methyl- and methoxy-substituted phenols and some naphtalene derivatives are found in the headspace of the tar (which is used in ancient times as adhesive for  hafting lithic tools on wooden shaft or for repairing and decorating ceramic vessels). Volatile components of the liquid tar include phenol and derivatives like 2-methylphenol, 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol), dimethoxyphenol, dimethylphenol, trimethylphenol, 2-methoxy-4-methylphenol, 4-ethyl-2-methoxyphenol e.g.; naphtalenes like methylnaphtalene, ethylnaphtalene, and trimethylnaphtalene, and sesquiterpenes like calamenene. \\  The rectified [[|oil of birch bark tar]] is used in perfumery for smoky-leathery-phenolic notes. The tar is manufactured by controlled heating of bark of various birch species (mainly white birch). Several methyl- and methoxy-substituted phenols and some naphtalene derivatives are found in the headspace of the tar (which is used in ancient times as adhesive for  hafting lithic tools on wooden shaft or for repairing and decorating ceramic vessels). Volatile components of the liquid tar include phenol and derivatives like 2-methylphenol, 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol), dimethoxyphenol, dimethylphenol, trimethylphenol, 2-methoxy-4-methylphenol, 4-ethyl-2-methoxyphenol e.g.; naphtalenes like methylnaphtalene, ethylnaphtalene, and trimethylnaphtalene, and sesquiterpenes like calamenene. \\ 
 [Molecular characterisation of birch bark tar by headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: A new way for identifying archaeological glues., Regert, M., Alexandre, V., Thomas, N., Lattuati-Derieux, A., Journal of Chromatography A, 1101(1), 2006, 245-253] [Molecular characterisation of birch bark tar by headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: A new way for identifying archaeological glues., Regert, M., Alexandre, V., Thomas, N., Lattuati-Derieux, A., Journal of Chromatography A, 1101(1), 2006, 245-253]
 +The most potent odorants (highest odor-dilution factors) of dried birch wood were γ-nonalactone (coconut-like), vanillin (vanilla-like), the flowery smelling linalool (flowery), (E,E)-2,4-nonadienal (fatty, nutty), and raspberry ketone (raspberry-like, fruity). \\
 +"Furthermore, the beeswax-like and honey-like smelling phenylacetic acid was detected with an OD factor of 1024 in at least one of the investigated samples. The remaining odorants, with lower but still important OD factors, were hexanal (grassy), 3-methylbutanoic acid (cheesy)/2-methylbutanoic acid (apple-like, fruity), and sotolone (savoury, celery-like)." \\
 +[Wang, Qifan, et al. "Sensory characterization and identification of odorants in birch wood (Betula pendula Roth)." Wood Science and Technology (2024): 1-19] [[]]
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betula_pendula_roth.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/19 12:20 von andreas