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artemisia_afra_jacq._ex_willd [2015/07/02 14:02] andreasartemisia_afra_jacq._ex_willd [2015/07/02 14:03] (aktuell) andreas
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd. - syn.Absinthium ponticum (L.) Garsault] - Asteraceae African wormwood, **Afrikanischer Wermut** +Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd. - syn.Absinthium ponticum (L.) Garsault] - Asteraceae \\  
 +African wormwood, **Afrikanischer Wermut**, Pontischer Wermut, Römischer Wermut 
 Bushy shrub, up to 2m high, native to southern Africa; leaves 2-pinnatipartite, ultimate segments linear, glabrous above, canescent beneath, margin entire or toothed; capitula many in terminal racemose panicles, flowers yellow. [[]] Bushy shrub, up to 2m high, native to southern Africa; leaves 2-pinnatipartite, ultimate segments linear, glabrous above, canescent beneath, margin entire or toothed; capitula many in terminal racemose panicles, flowers yellow. [[]]
artemisia_afra_jacq._ex_willd.1435845776.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/07/02 14:02 von andreas

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