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artemisia_afra_jacq._ex_willd [2014/11/11 21:48] andreasartemisia_afra_jacq._ex_willd [2015/07/02 14:03] (aktuell) andreas
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd. - Asteraceae - African wormwood, **Afrikanischer Wermut** +Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd. - syn.Absinthium ponticum (L.) Garsault] Asteraceae \\  
 +African wormwood, **Afrikanischer Wermut**, Pontischer Wermut, Römischer Wermut 
 Bushy shrub, up to 2m high, native to southern Africa; leaves 2-pinnatipartite, ultimate segments linear, glabrous above, canescent beneath, margin entire or toothed; capitula many in terminal racemose panicles, flowers yellow. [[]] Bushy shrub, up to 2m high, native to southern Africa; leaves 2-pinnatipartite, ultimate segments linear, glabrous above, canescent beneath, margin entire or toothed; capitula many in terminal racemose panicles, flowers yellow. [[]]
Zeile 12: Zeile 13:
 "Artemisia afra oil had a higher α-thujone and a lower 1,8-cineole content than that reported by Graven et al. (1992) and the oil did not contain any camphor. The differences can probably be attributed to the different genotypes of the plant material used (Graven et al. 1990)." Main components of the essential of of A.afra were α-thujone (78%), β-thujone (13%) and 1,8-cineole (8%). \\ "Artemisia afra oil had a higher α-thujone and a lower 1,8-cineole content than that reported by Graven et al. (1992) and the oil did not contain any camphor. The differences can probably be attributed to the different genotypes of the plant material used (Graven et al. 1990)." Main components of the essential of of A.afra were α-thujone (78%), β-thujone (13%) and 1,8-cineole (8%). \\
 +[Comparative evaluation of the antimicrobial activities of essential oils of Artemisia afra, Pteronia incana and Rosmarinus officinalis on selected bacteria and yeast strains. Mangena, T., Muyima, N. Y. O., Letters in applied microbiology, Vol.28(4), 1999, 291-296]
 [[]] [[]]
 +"Medicinal uses: \\
 +Internal: For the treatment of cough, croup, whooping cough, influenza, fever, diabetes, gastro-intestinal disorders and intestinal worms. \\
 +External: As an inhalation for the relief of headache and nasal congestion or a lotion to treat haemorrhoids. In traditional practice, fresh leaf is inserted into the nostrils to relieve nasal congestion or placed in  boiling water as a steam bath for menstrual pain or after childbirth. Warmed leaves may be applied externally as a poultice to relieve inflammation and aqueous infusions administered per rectum or applied as a lotion to treat haemorrhoids." \\
 +{{:absinthium_ponticum.jpg?500}} \\
 +Blackwell,E., Herbarium Blackwellianum, vol.6 t.527 (1773) \\
artemisia_afra_jacq._ex_willd.1415742534.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2014/11/11 21:48 von andreas

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