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aniba_rosaeodora_ducke [2019/08/20 12:39] andreasaniba_rosaeodora_ducke [2019/08/20 13:39] (aktuell) andreas
Zeile 15: Zeile 15:
 | {{:linalool_r.jpg| (R)-(-)-linalool }} \\ (R)-(-)-linalool |{{:terpineol_alpha.jpg|α-terpineol}} \\ α-terpineol | {{geraniol.jpg| geraniol }} \\ geraniol | | {{:linalool_r.jpg| (R)-(-)-linalool }} \\ (R)-(-)-linalool |{{:terpineol_alpha.jpg|α-terpineol}} \\ α-terpineol | {{geraniol.jpg| geraniol }} \\ geraniol |
-"For a given tree, a decreasing yield gradient was observed from trunk wood to branches, smaller branches, and leaves. Linalool percentage in oil ranged from 7399%. All trunk wood oils contained a percentage of (-)-linalool close to 100%, except for two trees from Paracou station where a low proportion of (+)-linalool was present. Oils from small branches contained from 528% of (+)-linalool. All leaf oils showed a high percentage (7889%) of (+)-linalool. The linalool form in oil from shoot, bark and root samples was purely (-)-linalool. Measures performed on different parts of the same tree showed that the linalool from trunk wood and thick branches was purely (-)-linalool, whereas the proportion of (+)-linalool increased with the thinness of the branches and reached 85% in leaves." \\+"The assessment of enantiopure chiral compounds through Es-GC-O, along with direct olfactive analyses, confirmed that the leaves are a potential substituent for wood in the extraction of Brazilian rosewood essential oil, representing a sustainable nonwood source of natural linalool." \\ 
 +[d'Acampora Zellner, Barbara, et al. "Evaluation of leaf-derived extracts as an environmentally sustainable source of essential oils by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and enantioselective gas chromatography-olfactometry." Analytical chemistry 78.3 (2006): 883-890] 
 +"For a given tree, a decreasing yield gradient was observed from trunk wood to branches, smaller branches, and leaves. Linalool percentage in oil ranged from 73-99%. All trunk wood oils contained a percentage of (-)-linalool close to 100%, except for two trees from Paracou station where a low proportion of (+)-linalool was present. Oils from small branches contained from 5-28% of (+)-linalool. All leaf oils showed a high percentage (78-89%) of (+)-linalool. The linalool form in oil from shoot, bark and root samples was purely (-)-linalool. Measures performed on different parts of the same tree showed that the linalool from trunk wood and thick branches was purely (-)-linalool, whereas the proportion of (+)-linalool increased with the thinness of the branches and reached 85% in leaves." \\
 [Chantraine, Jean-Marie, Jean-Marie Dhénin, and Christian Moretti. "Chemical variability of rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) essential oil in French Guiana." Journal of Essential Oil Research 21.6 (2009): 486-495] [Chantraine, Jean-Marie, Jean-Marie Dhénin, and Christian Moretti. "Chemical variability of rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) essential oil in French Guiana." Journal of Essential Oil Research 21.6 (2009): 486-495]
aniba_rosaeodora_ducke.1566304773.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/08/20 12:39 von andreas

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