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umbellularia_californica_hook._arn._nutt [2015/03/08 18:46]
umbellularia_californica_hook._arn._nutt [2015/03/08 20:08]
Zeile 7: Zeile 7:
 [[]] [[]]
-{{:umbellulone.jpg|}} [[|umbellulone]] +Major components of the essential oil (steam distillation) of U.californica leaves were (GC-MS-IR): [[|Umbellulone]] (39%), 1,8-cineole (19%), α-terpineol (7.6%), terpinen-4-ol (6.2%), sabinene (6%), α-pinene (4.7%), and methyl eugenol (5.4%). Odor treshold studies showed 1,8-cineole to be by far the main contributor to the odor of dilute water solutions of the oil.\\
- +
-Major components of the essential oil (steam distillation) of U.californica leaves were (GC-MS-IR): Umbellulone (39%), 1,8-cineole (19%), alpha-terineol (7.6%), terpinen-4-ol (6.2%), sabinene (6%), alpha-pinene (4.7%), and methyl eugenol (5.4%). Odor treshold studies showed 1,8-cineole to be by far the main contributor to the odor of dilute water solutions of the oil.\\+
 [California bay oil. I. Constituents, odor properties., Buttery, R.G., Black, D.R., Guadagni, D.G., Ling, L.C., Connolly, G., Teranishi, R., Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol.22(5), 1974, 773-777] [California bay oil. I. Constituents, odor properties., Buttery, R.G., Black, D.R., Guadagni, D.G., Ling, L.C., Connolly, G., Teranishi, R., Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol.22(5), 1974, 773-777]
-Umbellulone is recognized as the offensive principle of the "headache tree" Umbellularia californica. It stimulates the trigeminovascular system via TRPA1 activation.\\+{{:umbellulone.jpg|}} umbellulone 
 +Umbellulone is recognized as the offensive principle of the "headache tree" Umbellularia californica. It stimulates the trigeminovascular system via TRPA1 activation. \\
 [Umbelluone, the offensive principle of the headache tree (Umbellularia californica), stimulates the trigeminovascular system via TRPA1 activation., Benemei, S., Nassini, R., Materazzi, S., Vriens, J., Prenen, J., De Siena, G., Geppetti, P., Inflammation Research, Vol.60, 2011, 204-204] [Umbelluone, the offensive principle of the headache tree (Umbellularia californica), stimulates the trigeminovascular system via TRPA1 activation., Benemei, S., Nassini, R., Materazzi, S., Vriens, J., Prenen, J., De Siena, G., Geppetti, P., Inflammation Research, Vol.60, 2011, 204-204]
umbellularia_californica_hook._arn._nutt.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/06/13 11:40 (Externe Bearbeitung)