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styrax_benzoin_dryand [2016/05/06 00:01]
styrax_benzoin_dryand [2016/12/31 12:13]
Zeile 9: Zeile 9:
 [Investigation of Contact-type Dermatitis Due to Compound Tincture of Benzoin. Steiner, Karl, and William Leifer, Journal of Investigative Dermatology Vol.13.6, 1949, 351-359] [[]] [Investigation of Contact-type Dermatitis Due to Compound Tincture of Benzoin. Steiner, Karl, and William Leifer, Journal of Investigative Dermatology Vol.13.6, 1949, 351-359] [[]]
-"The volatile extract composition of two different benzoin gums, Siam and Sumatra, were analysed by GCMS. Twenty components representing more than 99.1% of the oil from Siam and 29 components representing more than 97.4% of the oil from Sumatra were analysed. The major components were benzyl benzoate (76.1–80.1%) for the two oils and benzoic acid (12.5%), methyl benzoate (1.5%) and allyl benzoate (1.5%) for Siam, and styrene (2.3%), cinnamic acid (3.5%) and benzyl cinnamate (3.3%) for Sumatra. Volatile compounds of oils and crushed benzoins were also studied using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) employing carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane and carbowax/divinylbenzene fibres." \\+"According to data compiled by Burkhill (1966), Styrax tonkinensis and Styrax benzoin both contain benzo-resinol and traces of free fragrant substances, benzaldehyde, vanillin, phenylpropyl cinnamate, styrol, and styracin; but Styrax tonkinensis contains free benzoic acid, while Styrax benzoin contains free acid and holds lower quantities of vanillin and styrol; Styrax paralleloneurum yields a benzoin made up principally of cinnamic acid. A recent study was made on samples of different qualities of Styrax benzoin and Styrax paralleloneurum collected in North Sumatra (Pastorova & Boon, 1994). From the gas chromatograms, they identified six groups of components in all the samples: free benzoic acid, free cinnamic acid, free alcohols and vanillin, benzoic acid esters, cinnamic acid esters and higher molecular weight compounds. They concluded that quality of both the resins is correlated with the aromatic ester content. Styrax paralleloneurum contains primarily cinnamic acid esters and Styrax benzoin about equal amounts of cinnamic and benzoic acid esters. Lower grades contain mainly free benzoic and cinnamic acids and an amount of triterpenoids. It is very likely that the collectors and the traders mix the different species of Sumatra benzoin." \\ 
 +[Experiences in benzoin resin production in Sumatra, Indonesia. Katz, E., Goloubinoff, M., Ruiz Perez, M., Michon, G., in: Mugah, J.O., Chikamai, B.N., Mbiru, S.S., Casadei, E.: Conservation, management and utilization of plant gums, resins and essential oils. (Nairobi 1997), 1998, 56-66] [[]] 
 +"The volatile extract composition of two different benzoin gums, Siam and Sumatra, were analysed by GC-MS. Twenty components representing more than 99.1% of the oil from Siam and 29 components representing more than 97.4% of the oil from Sumatra were analysed. The major components were... styrene (2.3%), cinnamic acid (3.5%) and benzyl cinnamate (3.3%) for Sumatra. Volatile compounds of oils and crushed benzoins were also studied using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) employing carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane and carbowax/divinylbenzene fibres." \\
 [Volatile constituents of benzoin gums: Siam and Sumatra. Part 1. Fernandez, X., Lizzani‐Cuvelier, L., Loiseau, A. M., Périchet, C., Delbecque, C., Flavour and fragrance journal, Vol.18(4), 2003, 328-333] [Volatile constituents of benzoin gums: Siam and Sumatra. Part 1. Fernandez, X., Lizzani‐Cuvelier, L., Loiseau, A. M., Périchet, C., Delbecque, C., Flavour and fragrance journal, Vol.18(4), 2003, 328-333]
-Sumatra resin can be produced from S.benzoin and/or S.paralleloneurum. It is composed of styrene, isovanillin, a large quantity of free cinnamic acid, p-coumaryl cinnamate, and traces of both free benzoic acid and p-coumaryl benzoate. S.paralleloneurum balsam contain more cinnamates than S.benzoin, and among these, p-coumaryl cinnamate is predominant. \\+Sumatra resin may be produced from S.benzoin and/or S.paralleloneurum. Commercial samples contained styrene, isovanillin, a large quantity of free cinnamic acid, p-coumaryl cinnamate, and traces of free benzoic acid and p-coumaryl benzoate. S.paralleloneurum balsam showed more cinnamates than S.benzoin, and among these, p-coumaryl cinnamate is predominant. \\
 [Analytical investigation of styrax and benzoin balsams by HPLC-PAD-fluorimetry and GC-MS., Hovaneissian, M., Archier, P., Mathe, C., Culioli, G., Vieillescazes, C., Phytochemical Analysis, 19(4), 2008, 301-310]  [Analytical investigation of styrax and benzoin balsams by HPLC-PAD-fluorimetry and GC-MS., Hovaneissian, M., Archier, P., Mathe, C., Culioli, G., Vieillescazes, C., Phytochemical Analysis, 19(4), 2008, 301-310] 
-{{:styrax_benzoin.jpg?500}} \\+"... since perfumers consider it of higher quality than the Sumatra variety, Siam benzoin gum enters the formulas of fine fragrances such as Shalimar //TM// (Guerlain) or π //TM// (Givenchy) to give a sweet powdery vanilla note together with strong fixative properties. In contrast, Sumatra benzoin gum is extensively used in Asia not 
 +only for healing wounds, erythema and cough but also for religious rites. Only the best qualities are used in fragrant compositions but Sumatra benzoin gum finds application in chocolate-type aromas to which it brings interesting warm and spicy notes." \\ 
 +[An unusual acenaphthylene-type sesquiterpene hydrocarbon from Siam and Sumatra benzoin gum., Filippi, J.J., Castel, C., Fernandez, X., Rouillard, M., Gaysinski, M., Lavoine-Hanneguelle, S., Phytochemistry Letters, 2(4), 2009, 216-219] 
 +{{:styrax_benzoin.jpg}} \\
 Kohl, F.G., Die officinellen Pflanzen der Pharmacopoea Germanica, t.116 (1891-1895) \\ Kohl, F.G., Die officinellen Pflanzen der Pharmacopoea Germanica, t.116 (1891-1895) \\
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styrax_benzoin_dryand.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/08/03 13:00 von andreas