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schinus_molle_l [2016/01/27 22:11]
schinus_molle_l [2018/11/21 10:20]
Zeile 4: Zeile 4:
 "Although not related to commercial pepper (Piper nigrum) the pink/red berries are sold as pink peppercorns and often blended with commercial pepper... In traditional medicine, S. molle was used in treating a variety of wounds and infections due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties." [[]] "Although not related to commercial pepper (Piper nigrum) the pink/red berries are sold as pink peppercorns and often blended with commercial pepper... In traditional medicine, S. molle was used in treating a variety of wounds and infections due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties." [[]]
 +"The overall organoleptic picture of the oil calls to mind the odor and flvaor of the tail fractions of black pepper oil (the 'heavy' fractions) with some resemblance to angelica seed oil, juniper berry oil and elemi oil. The peppery note is undoubtedly due to the presence in the schinus molle oil of large amounts of the unstable monoterpene, phellandrene, and perhaps also caryophyllene..." \\ 
 +[Arctander, Steffen. Perfume and flavor materials of natural origin, 1960, 583-584] 
 +Main components of the fruit oil of were myrcene (20.4%), α-phellandrene (17.3%), δ-cadinene (9.1%), limonene (7.2%), β-phellandrene (6.2%), and cadinol (6.4%). \\
 +[Bernhard, Richard A., et al. "The volatile constituents of Schinus molle L." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 31.2 (1983): 463-466] [[]]
 +|{{:myrcene.jpg| myrcene }} \\ myrcene |{{:alpha_phellandrene.jpg|α-phellandrene }} \\ α-phellandrene |{{:beta_phellandrene.jpg|β-phellandrene }} \\ β-phellandrene |{{:limonene.jpg|limonene}} \\ limonene |{{:cadinene_delta.jpg| δ-cadinene }} \\ δ-cadinene |{{elemol.jpg|}} \\ elemol |
 +Hydrodistilled oil from dried fruits of Schinus molle grown in Turkey contained α-phellandrene (22.1-38.1%), β-phellandrene (10.4-11.8%), limonene (9.6%-11.6%) and α-cadinol (5.6-7.2%) as main constituents and α-pinene (1.0-2.3%), p-cymene (1.8-3.5%), methyl octanoate (3.4-5.2%), terpinen-4-ol/β-caryophyllene (3.5-3.9%), δ-cadinene (3.6-4.0%), octanoic acid (3.8-4.4%) α-cadinol (5.5-7.2%) as minor constituents eg. \\
 +Major components of the leaf oil were α-phellandrene (45.7%), β-phellandrene (13.6%) and limonene (13.4%). \\
 +[Baser, K. H. C., et al. "Composition of the essential oil of Schinus molle L. grown in Turkey." Journal of Essential Oil Research 9.6 (1997): 693-696]
 +"Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction allowed Schinus molle L. volatile oil to be obtained... The main components were α-phellandrene (26.5%), limonene + β-phellandrene (21.0%), elemol (10.8%) and α-eudesmol (6.1%). Comparison with the hydrodistilled oil (HD) did not reveal any large difference, whereas the significant difference between the SFE and SD oils was the content of sesquiterpenes, which is higher in the SFE products." \\
 +[Chemical composition of the oil and supercritical CO2 extract of Schinus molle L., Marongiu, B., Porcedda, A. P.S., Casu, R., Pierucci, P., Flavour and fragrance journal, Vol.19(6), 2004, 554-558]
 In an essential oil obtained by steam distillation from berries of Schinus molle L. (originating from Tunisia) 57 compounds were identified. Main compounds were α-phellandrene (46%), β-phellandrene (20%), α-terpineol (8%), α-pinene (4%), β-pinene (4%) and p-cymene (2%). \\ In an essential oil obtained by steam distillation from berries of Schinus molle L. (originating from Tunisia) 57 compounds were identified. Main compounds were α-phellandrene (46%), β-phellandrene (20%), α-terpineol (8%), α-pinene (4%), β-pinene (4%) and p-cymene (2%). \\
Zeile 11: Zeile 26:
 [Scent and Chemistry, Günther Ohloff, Wilhelm Pickenhagen, Philip Kraft, Wiley-VCH, 2012, 327]  [Scent and Chemistry, Günther Ohloff, Wilhelm Pickenhagen, Philip Kraft, Wiley-VCH, 2012, 327] 
-"Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction allowed Schinus molle Lvolatile oil to be obtained... The main components were α-phellandrene (26.5%), limonene + β-phellandrene (21.0%), elemol (10.8%) and α-eudesmol (6.1%)Comparison with the hydrodistilled oil (HDdid not reveal any large difference, whereas the significant difference between the SFE and SD oils was the content of sesquiterpeneswhich is higher in the SFE products.\\ +"Extracts were prepared from dried and powdered ripe fruits with solvents (n-hexane, petroleum ether)The oil xtracts were examined by GC-MSA total of 10 components were identified. The oil extracts of S.molle contained  as  main components α-phellandrene (24.86% & 22.19%), β-pinene (14.78% & 13.52%), β-Phellandrene (11.02 & 10.00%)and limonene (10.58& 9.34%in n-hexane and petroleum etherrespectively. \\ 
-[Chemical composition of the oil and supercritical CO2 extract of Schinus molle L., Marongiu, B., Porcedda, A. P.S., Casu, R., Pierucci, P., Flavour and fragrance journal, Vol.19(6), 2004, 554-558]+[Ibrahim, Basil, and Zakaria Al-Naser."Analysis of fruits Schinus molle extractions and the efficacy in inhibition of growth the fungi in laboratory." International Journal of ChemTech Research 6.5 (2014): 2799-2806]
-{{}} \\+{{:schinus_molle.jpg?600}} \\
 Sharp, Helen, Water-color sketches of American plants, especially New England, (1888-1910) [Helen Sharp] \\ Sharp, Helen, Water-color sketches of American plants, especially New England, (1888-1910) [Helen Sharp] \\
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