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rosmarinus_officinalis_l [2016/05/30 00:02]
rosmarinus_officinalis_l [2024/08/25 11:29] (aktuell)
Zeile 14: Zeile 14:
 [Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils Obtained From Some Spices Widely Used in Mediterranean Region. Manuel Viuda-Martos, Yolanda Ruíz-Navajas, Juana Fernández-López, José Angel Pérez-Álvarez, Acta Chim. Slov. 921 2007, 54, 921-926] [Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils Obtained From Some Spices Widely Used in Mediterranean Region. Manuel Viuda-Martos, Yolanda Ruíz-Navajas, Juana Fernández-López, José Angel Pérez-Álvarez, Acta Chim. Slov. 921 2007, 54, 921-926]
-| {{1.8cineole.jpg| 1.8-cineole}} \\ 1.8-cineole | {{alpha_pinene.jpg| α-pinene}} \\ α-pinene | {{camphor.jpg| camphor}} \\ camphor | {{camphen.jpg| camphene}} \\ camphene +| {{1.8cineole.jpg| 1.8-cineole}} \\ 1.8-cineole | {{camphor.jpg| camphor}} \\ camphor | {{camphen.jpg| camphene}} \\ camphene | {{:borneol.jpg|borneol}} \\ borneol | {{rotundone.jpg| rotundone}} \\ rotundone 
 "... range of enantiomeric excesses for (+/-)-methyl jasmonate varying from 13 to 95% depending on the Jasminum specie considered. In contrast, (-)-methyl jasmonate always occurred as a pure enantiomer in all Rosmarinus officinalis samples studied. This implies those Jasminum species in which the enantiomeric purity of (-)-methyl jasmonate is high enough and any R. officinalis sample might be used as natural sources of pure (-)-methyl jasmonate." \\ "... range of enantiomeric excesses for (+/-)-methyl jasmonate varying from 13 to 95% depending on the Jasminum specie considered. In contrast, (-)-methyl jasmonate always occurred as a pure enantiomer in all Rosmarinus officinalis samples studied. This implies those Jasminum species in which the enantiomeric purity of (-)-methyl jasmonate is high enough and any R. officinalis sample might be used as natural sources of pure (-)-methyl jasmonate." \\
 [Enantiomeric purity of (+/-)‐methyl jasmonate in fresh leaf samples and commercial fragrances., Ruiz del Castillo, M.L., Blanch, G.P., Journal of separation science, 30(13), 2007, 2117-2122]   [Enantiomeric purity of (+/-)‐methyl jasmonate in fresh leaf samples and commercial fragrances., Ruiz del Castillo, M.L., Blanch, G.P., Journal of separation science, 30(13), 2007, 2117-2122]  
 +Rotundone (86 μg/kg, peppery) is present well above its aroma detection threshold (8 ng/L in water) and apparently important to the flavour of rosemary. \\
 +[Wood, C., Siebert, T. E., Parker, M., Capone, D. L., Elsey, G. M., Pollnitz, A. P., Herderich, M. J. (2008). Spice up your life–The Rotundone story. Expression of Multideisciplinary flavour science, Proceedings of the 12th Weurman Symposium.] [[]]
 "Rosemary leaves oil was isolated by hydrodistillation. 49 components were identified in Lalehzar oil and 31 components were identified in Kerman oil. The hydrodistillation of Lalehzar oil was found to be rich in α-pinene (43.9%), 1,8-cineole (11.1%), camphene (8.6%), β-myrcene (3.9%), borneol (3.4%), camphor (2.4%) and verbenol (2.3%). 31 components were identified in hydrodistillation of Kerman oil and main component as follow: α-pinene (46.1%), 1,8-cineole (11.1%), camphene (9.6%), camphor (5.3%), sabinene (4.6%), β-myrcene (3.9%), borneol (3.4%), bornyl acetate (2.8%), verbenone (2.3%) and linalool (2.1%)." \\ "Rosemary leaves oil was isolated by hydrodistillation. 49 components were identified in Lalehzar oil and 31 components were identified in Kerman oil. The hydrodistillation of Lalehzar oil was found to be rich in α-pinene (43.9%), 1,8-cineole (11.1%), camphene (8.6%), β-myrcene (3.9%), borneol (3.4%), camphor (2.4%) and verbenol (2.3%). 31 components were identified in hydrodistillation of Kerman oil and main component as follow: α-pinene (46.1%), 1,8-cineole (11.1%), camphene (9.6%), camphor (5.3%), sabinene (4.6%), β-myrcene (3.9%), borneol (3.4%), bornyl acetate (2.8%), verbenone (2.3%) and linalool (2.1%)." \\
 [Chemical Composition of Hydrodistillation Essential Oil of Rosemary in Different Origins in Iran and Comparison with Other Countries. R. Jamshidi, Z. Afzali and D. Afzali, American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 5 (1): 78-81, 2009] [[]] [Chemical Composition of Hydrodistillation Essential Oil of Rosemary in Different Origins in Iran and Comparison with Other Countries. R. Jamshidi, Z. Afzali and D. Afzali, American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 5 (1): 78-81, 2009] [[]]
-"Also the rosemary oil used in this study mostly consisted of monoterpenes: 1,8-cineole, camphor, and α-pinene, constituting 24.1%, 19.87% and 19.49% of the essential oil, respectively. Flamini et al., (2002) classified rosemary oil into two chemotypes: the α-pinene chemotype with the main compounds being α-pinene (20.6%) and 1,8 cineole (6.6%) and the 1,8-cineole chemotype with the major components being 1,8 cineole (40.2%) and α-pinene (13.2%). The monotepenes hydrocarbons (42.03%), represented mainly by 1,8-cineole, α-pinene, camphene, formed the major group. Ketones constitute 20.67% and camphor was the major compound of this class... At the species level, our results on the composition of french R. officinalis oils were in accordance with those previously reported for other Mediterranean Rosemary samples." \\+"Also the rosemary oil used in this study mostly consisted of monoterpenes: 1,8-cineole, camphor, and α-pinene, constituting 24.1%, 19.87% and 19.49% of the essential oil, respectively. Flamini et al., (2002) classified rosemary oil into two chemotypes: the α-pinene chemotype with the main compounds being α-pinene (20.6%) and 1,8 cineole (6.6%) and the 1,8-cineole chemotype with the major components being 1,8-cineole (40.2%) and α-pinene (13.2%). The monoterpene hydrocarbons (42.03%), represented mainly by 1,8-cineole, α-pinene, camphene, formed the major group. Ketones constitute 20.67% and camphor was the major compound of this class... At the species level, our results on the composition of french R. officinalis oils were in accordance with those previously reported for other Mediterranean Rosemary samples." \\
 [Miladi, H. , Slama, R. , Mili, D. , Zouari, S. , Bakhrouf, A. and Ammar, E. (2013) Essential oil of Thymus vulgaris L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L.: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis, cytotoxicity and antioxidant properties and antibacterial activities against foodborne pathogens. Natural Science, 5, 729-739. doi: 10.4236/ns.2013.56090.] [[]] [Miladi, H. , Slama, R. , Mili, D. , Zouari, S. , Bakhrouf, A. and Ammar, E. (2013) Essential oil of Thymus vulgaris L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L.: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis, cytotoxicity and antioxidant properties and antibacterial activities against foodborne pathogens. Natural Science, 5, 729-739. doi: 10.4236/ns.2013.56090.] [[]]
Zeile 35: Zeile 38:
 [[]] [[]]
-{{:rosmarinus_grasse.jpg?800}}+{{:rosmarinus_grasse.jpg}} \\ 
 +Rosmarinus officinalis, Grasse 2016, [[|CC BY-SA 3.0]], Author: Andreas Kraska
rosmarinus_officinalis_l.1464559372.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/05/30 00:02 von andreas