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philadelphus_coronarius_l [2014/05/26 16:27]
andreas angelegt
philadelphus_coronarius_l [2021/06/30 17:15]
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-Hydrangeaceae - sweet mock-orange, English dogwood, **Europäischer Pfeifenstrauch**, Falscher Jasmin+Philadelphus coronarius L. Hydrangeaceae \\ 
 +(sweetmock-orange, English dogwood, Seringat, Jasmin des poètes (fr.), **Europäischer Pfeifenstrauch**, Falscher Jasmin
 +Deciduous shrub, up to 4m tall, native from Central and Southeast Europe to Western Asia, cultivated and naturalized elsewhere; leaves opposite, oval, dentate; racemes of white to yellowish white flowers, 2.5-3.5cm in diam., strongly aromatic.
- +"It is a popular ornamental plant for gardens in temperate regions, valued for its profuse sweetly scented white blossom in early summer." [[]]
-2-aminobenzaldehydnopinone, myrtanal, myrtenal, myrtenol, indole, 2-formamidobenzaldehyde and veratraldehyde have been determined from living flowers by GC-MS analysis. +The pre-female //'nectar producing disk flowers'// are pleasantly fragrantespecially in the evening and then particularly intense. [[]]
-[Joulain DThe composition of the headspace from fragrant flowers: Further resultsFlavour and Fragrance J 1987; 2: 149-155]+
 +Major constituents of the vacuum headspace concentrate of the flower volatiles were acetophenone (20%), linalool oxides (11.5%), and indole (10%). Among the minor constituents were 2-aminobenzaldehyde (2%), benzothiazole (1%), jasmone (trace), and (Z)-hexenyl benzoate (trace). \\
 +[Joulain, D. „Study of the fragrance given off by certain springtime flowers.“ Progress in essential oil research (1986): 57-67] 
 +Trans-myrtanal (46%), cis-myrtanal (2.2%), myrtenal, myrtenol, indole, nopinone (5.3%), 2-aminobenzaldehyde (11%), 2-formamidobenzaldehyde and veratraldehyde have been determined in the headspace of living flowers by GC-MS analysis. Flowers from another single plant showed an entirely different composition with hugh amounts of acetophenone (20%) and indole (10%). \\
 +[The composition of the headspace from fragrant flowers: Further results., Joulain D., Flavour and Fragrance J 1987; 2: 149-155]
 +| {{:myrtenal.png| myrtenal}} \\ myrtenal \\ //(sweet spicy)// | {{:indole.jpg| indole}} \\ indole \\ //(sweet floral)// | {{:2-aminobenzaldehyde.jpg| 2-aminobenzaldehyde}} \\ 2-aminobenzaldehyde \\ //(sweet orange flower)// | {{:14dihydro2me31benzoxazine.png|1,4-Dihydro-2-methyl-2H-3,1-benzoxazine}} \\ 1,4-dihydro-2-methyl-2H-3,1-benzoxazine \\ //(quinoline-like)// |
 +1,4-Dihydro-2-methyl-2H-3,1-benzoxazine (odor: quinoline-like) as the cyclic product of anthranilic alcohol and acetaldehyde is found in the vacuum headspace concentrate of a P.coronarius flowers variety in amounts of 0.2-1%. In pure form it cleaves acetaldehyde in perceptible amounts. \\
 +[Volatile constituents of European bird cherry flowers (Padus avium Mill.). Surburg, H., Güntert, M., Schwarze, B.,Journal of Essential Oil Research, Vol.2(6), 1990, 307-316] 
 +Feeding experiments with 13C- and fluorine-labelled precursors revealed that the biosynthesis of 2-aminobenzaldehyde in flowers of Robinia pseudoacacia and Philadelphus coronarius is realized by transformation of anthranilic acid to indole followed by oxidative ring opening and hydrolysis of the resulting N-formyl-2-aminobenzaldehyde. \\
 +[Biosynthesis of 2-aminobenzaldehyde in flowers of Robinia pseudoacacia and Philadelphus coronarius., Spiteller, P., Steglich, W., Phytochemistry, Vol.57(3), 2001, 361-363]
 +"The volatile constituents of both dried and fresh leaves, twigs and flowers of Philadelphus coronarius L. (Hydrangeaceae) were isolated by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC/FID and GC/MS. There were major differences between the various oils. For example, epi-13-manool (47.6 %) was the major component of the fresh flower oil, but was not detected in the dried fower oil, whereas isolongifolol (15.5%), 2-nonanol (11.1%) and 7-hydroxycoumarin (9.7%) were the principal components of the dried flower oil. In the oils of both the fresh and dried leaves the major constituent was (E,E)-farnesol, although the proportion of this compound in the fresh leaf oil was considerably higher (37.3%) than that of the dried leaf oil (3.2%). (E,E)-farnesol was also the major component of the fresh twig oil (16.6%), but was absent from the dried twig oil, the major constituent of which was (E,E)-2,4-decadienal (2.4%); however, this was not detected in the fresh twig oil." \\
 +[Identification of the components of Philadelphus coronarius L. essential oil., Czigle, Szilvia, et al., Journal of Essential Oil Research, Vol.18(4), 2006, 423-426]
 +{{:philadelphus_cor_curtis.jpg?600}} \\
 +Botanical Magazine, Vol.11, t.391 (1797) \\
 +{{:dsc01093k.jpg}} \\
 +mock orange flowers, [[|CC BY-SA 3.0]], Author: Andreas Kraska
philadelphus_coronarius_l.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/03 09:04 von andreas