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olea_europaea_l [2017/08/28 14:13]
olea_europaea_l [2024/06/12 11:09]
Zeile 12: Zeile 12:
 [Kaiser, Roman. „Environmental scents at the Ligurian coast.“ Perfum. Flavor 22 (1997): 7-18]  [Kaiser, Roman. „Environmental scents at the Ligurian coast.“ Perfum. Flavor 22 (1997): 7-18] 
-"(The flowers) ...soothing and pleasant scent is, once again, based on high levels of methyl cis-(Z)-jasmonate [(+)-epi-methyl jasmonate] and jasmone, and shows a mild anisic note due to anisaldehyde [0.05%]." \\ +"This [the flowerssoothing and pleasant scent is, once again, based on high levels of methyl cis-(Z)-jasmonate [(+)-epi-methyl jasmonate] and jasmone, and shows a mild anisic note due to anisaldehyde [0.05%]." \\ 
-[Meaningful Scents around the World, Roman Kaiser, Zürich 2006, 150] +[Meaningful Scents around the World, Roman Kaiser, Zürich 2006, 150-151 and 247
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Zeile 30: Zeile 30:
 Regarding //extra virgin// quality, the oil has "...this unique light-green color, was fluid almost like water, and had a very crisp, green-fruity aroma and flavor, based not only on (E)-hex-2-enal and related compounds, but still also having to contain significant amounts of the labile (Z)-hex-3-enal, a true sign of extra mild processing." \\ Regarding //extra virgin// quality, the oil has "...this unique light-green color, was fluid almost like water, and had a very crisp, green-fruity aroma and flavor, based not only on (E)-hex-2-enal and related compounds, but still also having to contain significant amounts of the labile (Z)-hex-3-enal, a true sign of extra mild processing." \\
 [Meaningful Scents around the World, Roman Kaiser, Zürich 2006, 150] [Meaningful Scents around the World, Roman Kaiser, Zürich 2006, 150]
 +„Fruity: the basic positive attribute of virgin olive oil, characteristic of oil from healthy, fresh fruits, either ripe or unripe. The aroma of the oil from unripe olives is generally characterised by grassy or leafy attributes whereas virgin olive oil from ripe fruits is characterised by aromatic flavours... Bitter: ...It is the characteristic taste of olive oil from olives that are green or turning colour. Although not contributing to bitter taste, the occurrence of 1-penten-3-one is positively correlated with bitter taste, whereas cis-3-hexen-1-ol and hexanal are negatively correlated... Pungent: the biting tactile sensation characteristic of oils produced at the start of the crop year, primarily from olives that are unripe. A volatile compound positively correlated to pungency is 1-penten-3-one whereas trans-2-hexenal and hexanal are negatively correlated.“ \\
 +[MLA Kalua, C. M., et al. "Olive oil volatile compounds, flavour development and quality: A critical review." Food chemistry 100.1 (2007): 273-286] \\
 +"In the 12 olive oils used, acetic acid showed the highest Pearson coefficient between the perceived intensity of the rancid defect and the odorant concentration. In particular, (E,Z)- and (E,E)-2,4-decadienal and (Z)-2-nonenal can be suggested as chemical markers for olive oil rancidity in combination with positive aroma markers, for example, acetaldehyde and (Z)-3-hexenal." \\
 +[Neugebauer, Anja, Michael Granvogl, and Peter Schieberle. "Characterization of the key odorants in high-quality extra virgin olive oils and certified off-flavor oils to elucidate aroma compounds causing a rancid off-flavor." Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 68.21 (2020): 5927-5937]
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 +Major contributors to black-ripe table olive (produced in California) aroma were β-damascenone, nonanal, (E)-dec-2-enal, 3-methylbutanal, ethyl benzoate, octanal, 2-methoxyphenol, 2-methylbutanal and 2-methoxy-4-methylphenol. "Imported olives contained a variety of fermentation derived volatiles that were not detected in domestic olives. Constituents such as ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, ethyl 3-methylbutanoate, 3-methylbutyl acetate, oct-1-en-3-one, ethyl hexanoate, (Z)-hex-3-enyl acetate, hexyl acetate, ethyl cyclohexanecarboxylate, benzyl acetate and 4-ethylphenol contributed to the odour of imported olives." \\
 +[Sansone-Land, Angelina, Gary R. Takeoka, and Charles F. Shoemaker. "Volatile constituents of commercial imported and domestic black-ripe table olives (Olea europaea)." Food chemistry 149 (2014): 285-295] 
 "The effects of olive fruit extract on arachidonic acid lipoxygenase activities were investigated using rat platelets and rat polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL). Olive extract strongly inhibited both 12-lipoxygenase (12-LO) and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) activities. One of the compounds responsible for this inhibition was purified and identified as 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethanol (DPE)... The inhibition by DPE of both lipoxygenase activities was stronger than that by oleuropein, caffeic acid, or 7 other related phenolic compounds, especially in intact cells. These results suggest that DPE is a potent specific inhibitor of lipoxygenase activities." \\ "The effects of olive fruit extract on arachidonic acid lipoxygenase activities were investigated using rat platelets and rat polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL). Olive extract strongly inhibited both 12-lipoxygenase (12-LO) and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) activities. One of the compounds responsible for this inhibition was purified and identified as 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethanol (DPE)... The inhibition by DPE of both lipoxygenase activities was stronger than that by oleuropein, caffeic acid, or 7 other related phenolic compounds, especially in intact cells. These results suggest that DPE is a potent specific inhibitor of lipoxygenase activities." \\
olea_europaea_l.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/06/13 11:45 von andreas