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morinda_citrifolia_l [2015/03/22 14:36]
morinda_citrifolia_l [2015/03/22 14:52]
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-Morinda citrifolia L. - syn.Morinda bracteata Roxb. - Rubiaceae \\+Morinda citrifolia L. - syn.Morinda bracteata Roxb., Morinda littoralis Blanco; Morinda macrophylla Desf. - Rubiaceae \\
 noni (hawaiian), mengkudu (tahitian), Indian mulberry, cheesefruit, **Noni (-Baum)**, Indischer Maulbeerbaum noni (hawaiian), mengkudu (tahitian), Indian mulberry, cheesefruit, **Noni (-Baum)**, Indischer Maulbeerbaum
 Evergreen shrub or tree, 3-10m high, native to Queensland (Australia), naturalized on coastal regions of the Indian Ocean and Pacific (Hawaii, Oceania); leaves ovate, glossy; flowers white, fragrant, tubular; fruit irregularly ovoid. \\ Evergreen shrub or tree, 3-10m high, native to Queensland (Australia), naturalized on coastal regions of the Indian Ocean and Pacific (Hawaii, Oceania); leaves ovate, glossy; flowers white, fragrant, tubular; fruit irregularly ovoid. \\
-"The fruit of this species are edible (though not particularly palatable) and said to have medicinal and/or tonic value; they are sold by natural food vendors under the name "nonior "nona.This species is increasingly widely cultivated..." \\+"The fruit of this species are edible (though not particularly palatable) and said to have medicinal and/or tonic value; they are sold by natural food vendors under the name 'nonior 'nona'. This species is increasingly widely cultivated..." \\
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Zeile 18: Zeile 18:
 [Opinion on the safety of Tahitian Noni® ‘Morinda citrifolia (noni) fruit puree and concentrate’ as a novel food ingredient, Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (Question No EFSA-Q-2007-181), March 2009 ] \\ [Opinion on the safety of Tahitian Noni® ‘Morinda citrifolia (noni) fruit puree and concentrate’ as a novel food ingredient, Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (Question No EFSA-Q-2007-181), March 2009 ] \\
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 +37 compounds were detected in the methylene chloride extract of noni pulp headspace collected on Porapak Q trap. "The peak area percentage was used to indicate the relative concentration of each compound. They were identified as seven alcohols, corresponding to 63.3% of the volatile compounds, 20 esters (26.9%), three cetones (7.4%), six acids (1.2%), and one aldehyde. The major compounds, based on the relative amount, were 3-methyl-3-buten-1-ol (54.83%), methyl hexanoate (13.04%), methyl butanoate (8.1%), 2-heptanone (6.86%), and benzyl alcohol (5.2%)." \\
 +[Evaluation of noni (Morinda citrifolia) volatile profile by dynamic headspace and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry., Sousa, A., Souza Neto, M.A., Garruti, D.D.S., Sousa, J., Brito, E.S.D., Food Science and Technology (Campinas), Vol.30(3), 2010, 641-644] \\
 +"Due to noni maturation, octanoic acid, decanoic acid and (E)-2-nonenal decreased their concentrations, while some esters (methyl hexanoate, methyl octanoate, ethyl octanoate and methyl (E)-4-decenoate), which their fruity odor notes, increased their contents. Two unsaturated esters, reported for the first time in this fruit, 3-methyl-3-buten-1-yl hexanoate and 3-methyl-3-buten-1-yl octanoate, significantly decreased their concentration in the ripe to over-ripe fruits... In general, although terpenes are present in small quantities in both maturity stages, their contribution to the fruit's flavor could be considerable, as in the case of limonene and linalool, which were found to possess intense citrus and flower-like odors. Interestingly, three sulphur compounds were found for the first time in noni fruit, e.g. dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide and 3-(methylthio)-1-propanol." \\
 +[Volatile compounds in noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) at two ripening stages., Pino, J. A., Márquez, E., Quijano, C.E., Castro, D., Food Science and Technology (Campinas), Vol.30(1), 2010, 183-187] \\
morinda_citrifolia_l.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/02/05 17:30 von andreas