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melaleuca_leucadendra_l [2014/08/07 22:32]
melaleuca_leucadendra_l [2017/10/01 00:04]
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-Myrtaceae - syn. Melaleuca leucadendron L., Melaleuca cajeputi; \\ +Melaleuca leucadendra (L.) L. - syn. Melaleuca leucadendron L.; Kajuputi leucadendra (L.) Rusby - Myrtaceae \\ weeping paperbark, longleaf paperbark, cajeput tree, river teatree, swamp teatree
- cajeput tree, **Cajeputbaum**+
-Native tree to Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia with white papery bark and linear leaves. +Evergreen tree, up to 30m high, native to Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia; bark whitepapery; leaves linear; flowers green/cream/white\\ 
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-Cajeput oil is a volatile oil obtained by steam distillation from the leaves of Melaleuca leucadendra +
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-"The majority of the oil is produced on the Indonesian island of SulawesiThe name “cajeput” is derived from its Indonesian name, kayu putih (white wood)." \\ +
-Constituents. "Commercial cajuput oil is mainly derived from M. cajuputi subsp.cajuputi. The oil of this taxon mostly, but not always, contains substantial amounts of 1,8-cineole (3–60%), and the sesquiterpene alcohols globulol (trace–9%), viridiflorol (trace–16%) and spathulenol (trace–30%). Other compounds present usually in significant quantities are limonene (trace–5%), ß-caryophyllene (trace–4%), humulene (trace–2%), viridiflorene +
-(0.5–9%), α-terpineol (1–8%), a- and ß-selinene (each 0–3%) and caryophyllene oxide (trace–7%). This oil will hereafter be referred to as ‘type’ oil. The aromatic ether, cajeputol appears to be absent from the oil of this subspecies. Oil yield ranges from 0.4% to 1.2% (w/w%, fresh weight). The essential oil of M. cajuputi +
-subsp. cumingiana is highly variable in character. The main components reported in oil from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam (non-or low-1,8-cineole forms) are γ-terpinene (0–19%), and terpinolene (0–22%)... The essential oils of M. cajuputi subsp.platyphylla occur in two chemotypes. Typically, the oils contain significant quantities of α-pinene (34–73%), with lesser amounts of 1,8-cineole (0.2–3%), γ-terpinene (trace–2%), p-cymene (trace–1%), terpinolene (trace–1%), ß-caryophyllene (2–14%), aromadendrene (1–9%), humulene (1–7%), viridiflorene (trace–3%), caryophyllene oxide (trace–2%), globulol (trace–6%), viridiflorol (trace–2%), spathulenol (trace–3%) with an absence of cajeputol.",%20R.%20Lowe%20%28Harwood,%201999%29%20WW.pdf#page=228 \\ +
-Uses. In araomatherapy and as an antiseptic in nose drops. [MPW] +
- +
 +Not the source of cajeput oil, although commonly cited as such, non Melaleuca leucadendra auct. nonn. (= M. cajuputi. \\
 +{{:melaleuca_leucadendra.jpg?500}} \\
 +Köhler,F.E., Medizinal Pflanzen, vol.2, t.141 (1890) \\
melaleuca_leucadendra_l.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/10/10 10:56 von andreas