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lavandula_angustifolia_mill [2017/10/18 07:55]
lavandula_angustifolia_mill [2019/01/08 23:23]
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
 Evergreen shrub, 0.20-1m high, native to Southwest Europe, cultivated and naturalized in Europa and Africa; leaves linear; flowers blue-violet. Evergreen shrub, 0.20-1m high, native to Southwest Europe, cultivated and naturalized in Europa and Africa; leaves linear; flowers blue-violet.
 +Whereas hydrodistillated (ph 7.0) lavender oil contained linalool 40.9% and linalyl acetate 13.2%, extraction with pentan/diethylether 3:1 afforded an oil with linalool 24.9% and linalyl acetate 42.9%. Gas phase stripping yielded an extract which contained linalool 25.7% and linalyl acetate 40.1%. α-Terpineol, neryl acetate, geranyl acetate, nerol and geraniol were identified as hydrodistillation artefacts from intermediate cations. It was shown that in contrast to linalyl acetate, linalool did not undergo rearrangements in a pH range of 5.0-8.0. \\
 +[Schmaus, G., and K-H. Kubeczka. "The influence of isolation conditions on the composition of essential oils containing linalool and linalyl acetate." Essential Oils and Aromatic Plants. Springer, Dordrecht, 1985. 127-134]
 "The lavender oil produced by supercritical extraction was compared to the oil obtained by hydrodistillation. The major difference between the two products was reflected in the linalyl acetate content. This compound was found to be 34.7% of the oil produced by supercritical fluid extraction and 12.1% of the hydrodistilled product. This difference can be ascribed to the hydrolysis of part of this compound during hydrodistillation." \\ "The lavender oil produced by supercritical extraction was compared to the oil obtained by hydrodistillation. The major difference between the two products was reflected in the linalyl acetate content. This compound was found to be 34.7% of the oil produced by supercritical fluid extraction and 12.1% of the hydrodistilled product. This difference can be ascribed to the hydrolysis of part of this compound during hydrodistillation." \\
Zeile 48: Zeile 51:
 {{:lavandula_officinalis.jpg?600}} \\ {{:lavandula_officinalis.jpg?600}} \\
-Lavandula angustifolia as Lavandula officinalis+Lavandula angustifolia as Lavandula officinalis \\
 Kohl,F.G., Die officinellen Pflanzen der Pharmacopoea Germanica, t.135 (1891-1895)   Kohl,F.G., Die officinellen Pflanzen der Pharmacopoea Germanica, t.135 (1891-1895)  
lavandula_angustifolia_mill.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/02 12:14 von andreas