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eupatorium_cannabinum_l [2015/02/08 22:51]
eupatorium_cannabinum_l [2015/06/17 19:10]
Zeile 6: Zeile 6:
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- „From the alkaline aqueous extract of the herbal part of Eupatorium cannabinum and Eupatorium perfoliatum two homogeneous polysaccharides (PI and PII) have been isolated by ethanol precipitation and fractionation on DEAE Sepharose CL-6B and Sephacryl S-400 columns… The polysaccharides show a phagocytosis enhancing effect as determined in three immunological test systems (carbon clearance, granulocyte- and chemiluminescence test).“+ „From the alkaline aqueous extract of the herbal part of Eupatorium cannabinum and Eupatorium perfoliatum two homogeneous polysaccharides (PI and PII) have been isolated by ethanol precipitation and fractionation on DEAE Sepharose CL-6B and Sephacryl S-400 columns… The polysaccharides show a phagocytosis enhancing effect as determined in three immunological test systems (carbon clearance, granulocyte- and chemiluminescence test).“ \\
 [Immunologically active polysaccharides of Eupatorium cannabinum and Eupatorium perfoliatum., Vollmar, A., Schäfer, W., Wagner, H., Phytochemistry, Vol.25(2), 1986, 377-381] [Immunologically active polysaccharides of Eupatorium cannabinum and Eupatorium perfoliatum., Vollmar, A., Schäfer, W., Wagner, H., Phytochemistry, Vol.25(2), 1986, 377-381]
-"Compounds identified in aerial parts of E.cannabinum in this way are four echinatine isomers, like lycopsamine and intermedine, and a number of their beta-acetyl, beta-angelyl/tiglyl and beta-(iso)valeryl esters. PAs without a substituent at C-7 were tentatively identified as supinine and amabiline. In addition to a number of these alkaloids, some beta-(iso)butyryl, beta-angelyl/tiglyl, and beta-(iso)valeryl esters of supinine or amabiline were detected in subterranean parts of the plant." \\+"Compounds identified in aerial parts of E.cannabinum in this way are four echinatine isomers, like lycopsamine and intermedine, and a number of their β-acetyl, β-angelyl/tiglyl and β-(iso)valeryl esters. PAs without a substituent at C-7 were tentatively identified as supinine and amabiline. In addition to a number of these alkaloids, some β-(iso)butyryl, β-angelyl/tiglyl, and β-(iso)valeryl esters of supinine or amabiline were detected in subterranean parts of the plant." \\
 [Investigation into the Presence of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Eupatorium cannabinum by Means of Positive and Negative Ion Chemical Ionization GC-MS., Hendriks, H., Balraadjsing, W., Huizing, H.J., Bruins, A.P., Planta medica, Vol.53(5), 1987, 456-461]  [Investigation into the Presence of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Eupatorium cannabinum by Means of Positive and Negative Ion Chemical Ionization GC-MS., Hendriks, H., Balraadjsing, W., Huizing, H.J., Bruins, A.P., Planta medica, Vol.53(5), 1987, 456-461] 
Zeile 15: Zeile 15:
 [Eupatorium cannabinum L. ssp. cannabinum (Asteraceae) essential oil: chemical composition and antibacterial activity., Senatore, F., De Fusco, R., Napolitano, F., Journal of Essential Oil Research, Vol.13(6), 2001, 463-466] [Eupatorium cannabinum L. ssp. cannabinum (Asteraceae) essential oil: chemical composition and antibacterial activity., Senatore, F., De Fusco, R., Napolitano, F., Journal of Essential Oil Research, Vol.13(6), 2001, 463-466]
-{{wasserdost.jpg}} +{{wasserdost.jpg}} \\
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 Lindman, C.A.M., Bilder ur Nordens Flora, vol. 3: t. 520 (1922-1926) \\ Lindman, C.A.M., Bilder ur Nordens Flora, vol. 3: t. 520 (1922-1926) \\
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eupatorium_cannabinum_l.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/06/17 19:10 von andreas