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elymus_repens_l._gould [2014/12/25 11:38]
elymus_repens_l._gould [2016/02/05 01:01]
Zeile 6: Zeile 6:
 "Couch grass has become naturalised throughout much of the world, and is often listed as an invasive weed. It is very difficult to remove from garden environments, as the thin rhizomes become entangled among the roots of shrubs and perennials, and each severed piece of rhizome can develop into a new plant." [[]] "Couch grass has become naturalised throughout much of the world, and is often listed as an invasive weed. It is very difficult to remove from garden environments, as the thin rhizomes become entangled among the roots of shrubs and perennials, and each severed piece of rhizome can develop into a new plant." [[]]
-The roots contain a small amount of essential oil, which nearly entirely consists of 6-phenyl-2,4-hexadiyne, called [[|agropyrene]] which has broad antibiotic activity. \\+The rhizomes [Rhizoma Graminis] contain a small amount of essential oil, which nearly entirely consists of 1-phenyl-2,4-hexadiyne, called [[|agropyrene (capillen)]] which has broad antibiotic activity. They are traditionally used as a diuretic in urinary tract infections or prevention of renal gravel.\\
 [Structure of Agropyrene., Cymerman-Craig, J., Lack, R. A., Treibs, W., Chem. and Ind, 1959, 952] \\ [Structure of Agropyrene., Cymerman-Craig, J., Lack, R. A., Treibs, W., Chem. and Ind, 1959, 952] \\
-[Das Agropyren aus dem ätherischen Öl der Queckenwurzel, ein Phenylhexadiin mit breiter antibiotischer Wirkung. Parfüm., Tribs, W., Kosm, Vol.40, 1959, 451-452]+[Das Agropyren aus dem ätherischen Öl der Queckenwurzel, ein Phenylhexadiin mit breiter antibiotischer Wirkung., Treibs, W., Parfüm. Kosm, Vol.40, 1959, 451-452]
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elymus_repens_l._gould.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/05/18 23:57 von andreas